[Jacob-list] Help!

Penelope pcj at efn.org
Mon Mar 25 21:57:20 EST 2002

Oops, sent this to just Mary E Hansson on my first try.  I wish that
hitting "reply" on this list gave me the option of replying *to* the list
instead of automatically going to the individual.

Sometime around 10:41 3/25/02 -0500, Mary E Hansson typed:
>Yes, but also just like in humans, pH is a factor as well as viability
>of sperm.

Feed the ewe vinager?  One could read up on some of the "choose your baby's
sex" information for humans, and see what it is possible to apply to sheep.
Penelope Jacob  pcj at efn.org
parent, doula, farmer, birth & breastfeeding activist.  
***War doesn't decide who is right.  Only who's left.***
Attachment parenting a busy, spirited, nursing toddler.

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