[Jacob-list] six horned ram

Debbie Bennett dbennet954 at earthlink.net
Thu Jul 11 08:37:02 EDT 2002

I have a five horned ram lamb out of a Red Wing dam. Looks like a four 
horn headset, except one top horn is extra large around and seamed. He 
also is a little light in color, but the spots he has are round and well 
defined. He has a couple of legs spots, too, which I like. His fiber 
looks nice and even and I'm going to hold him over and see about 
registration. I may use him next year.
Debbie Bennett
p.s. I'd send a picture, but I don't know how.
On Tuesday, July 9, 2002, at 01:54 PM, Linda wrote:

> http://www.patchworkfibers.com/kates.jpg
> Kate Barrett sent a picture of a six horned ram along with the 
> following comment:
> This little ram lamb has 6 horns,
> and is really handsome.  Of course the 3rd pair of horns is very tiny, 
> and takes up most of
> the space between his main and lateral horns. You can just see the left 
> hand one in this
> picture.  The right hand one has broken, but is growing back. I am 
> wondering if he would
> be registerable as this has filled some of the spacing between horns. I 
> have no idea
> where else a ram would fit 6 horns then how this one has it arranged..  
> I was so excited
> when I found that he was growing a third set of horns.  I guess this 
> goes along with lambs
> fulfilling their names, as this is Ruby Peak Kudzu and he has some 
> rampant growth going
> on with his horns!! When he was born I was semi dissapointed at his 
> lack of spots, but
> the ones he does have are so round and defined.  He is shown here with 
> his mother
> Redwing Blackbird, and is out of my ram Ruby Peak Elderberry. has 
> anyone else had one
> of these?  I am assuming so, otherwise where would the 6 horned 
> criteria come from. I
> would love to see photos of other 6 honed rams.  Thanks for your help.
> Kate Barrett
> PS - Even though I don't have the time to put together webpages this 
> summer, I'll still be happy to post individual pictures.
> Linda
> Patchwork Farm at Wolfpen Gap
> Registered Jacob Sheep
> Handspun Yarns
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