I'm still here, just busy & question Re: [Jacob-list] Hello Again

J Thomas shepherdofspots at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 9 10:41:20 EDT 2002

The sheep & goat protein blocks were "reformulated".
When I gave them to my sheep, I noticed that they soon
developed VERY loose stools. Since I have small
acreage, I figured it was worms. Wormed them. Didn't
help. Checked for other causes. Cleaned out water
troughs. About the time I was ready to phone vet, they
finished eating the blocks. Loose stools stopped.
Several other shepherds in this area had same problem
with the "reformulated" blocks.  I did not have the
one with the orange label (which contained copper). It
had a white label.

My lambs this year were all small (about 5 pounds
each) and are growing slowly. 

It sure was a learning experience for me! (and others
who lost lambs).

I'm considering changing to a different kind to
supplement feed, but am a bit leary.


Joy Thomas, Shepherd
Son-Rise Farm, Creedmoor NC
Home of The Fleece Flock
Jacob, Shetland & Border Leicester Sheep
Website:   www.shepherdofspots.com
E-Mail:    joy at shepherdofspots.com

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