[Jacob-list] Stanchion

J Thomas shepherdofspots at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 27 18:26:43 EST 2002

I bought a shearing stand from Sydell's last year at
the MD festival. They have them in their on-line
catalog. For Jacobs (and Shetlands) get the shorter

I also use this for trimming hoofs.

It's not hard to shear. I did it last year with (yes
you may laugh) fiskars dressmaker shears. I bought a
hand shear and was too timid to use it. Maybe this
year. Sheep are great -- there's so much to learn!
> Has anyone used a Goat Stanchion as a shearning
> stand, or do most people
> contract out the shearing?

Joy T

Joy Thomas, Son-Rise Farm
Home of Jacob Sheep

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