[Jacob-list] ryegrass

fayg fayg at mebtel.net
Sun Aug 25 05:16:43 EDT 2002

Oh you have to be kidding, a forage turnip ... does it produce a 'tubor' or just a root. The millet I planted is germinating but the lack of rain is a bit of a problem. I heard we would not have a hurricane this year... that is not a good thing ...

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Grose 
  To: Jacoblist 
  Sent: Saturday, August 24, 2002 9:56 PM
  Subject: [Jacob-list] ryegrass

  Hi all,
  Those of you below the Mason Dixon will find that perennial ryegrass does not persist in pastures. Not only does it go dormant in hot weather, it dies. Annual ryegrass sprouts NOW through December and is probably the most palatable/highest in energy of the grasses that we grow, and is probably the better bet for emergency and temporary winter pastures. The only thing that will persist and provide year-round grazing is endophyte infected fescue. Don't recommend it. If you see animals grazing and maintaining weight in our horrid climate in the rough part of the summer, they are probably eating volunteer crabgrass! [Don't tell the obsessive/compulsive lawn people that you are married to.] 
  I tried an improved forage turnip in a pasture this summer to see how it would grow in the heat. Much to my surprise, every seed came up an produced a tremendous amount of forage. 

  Neal Grose
  North Carolina
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