Fwd: Re: [Jacob-list] freckling

Edd Bissell bissell at usit.net
Thu Apr 11 15:44:54 EDT 2002

>>What has been your results when crossing these lines?
>>Neal Grose
>It was nice to hear from Margaret who said her flock was not freckled - I 
>just though it was a breed characteristic because mine were all 
>freckled.  First time I even gave it a second though was when the spinners 
>started questioning it.  My originals were ALL very, very spotted - body 
>and legs - they all had eye spots and nose spots - not the elongated 
>facial coloration that included eyes and nose -  They had loads of small 
>spots instead of  several larger body spots - I had only seem one sheep 
>that I in particularly remember that had comp[letely white legs and that 
>was a ram born on this farm.  When I got to Mazies I only saw ONE sheep 
>=  a young ram = that had ANY leg markings at all!!!!  And she would not 
>sell him to us - 20 ewes and no rams!!!!  I think it has to be something 
>that the English bred out of them somewhere along the line probably with 
>the introduction of the dorsett sheep...pure speculation on my 
>part.  Heimans and Ingred had lots of Hatch in their lines - he was from 
>Washington state also.  For sure one of Ingrids major rams way back when 
>was a Hatch ram - but I do not remember her flock as being freckled - to 
>me her flock was the epitome of Jacobs - almost perfection in every animal 
>- but she was a strong and frequent culler - one of the best!!!!  And 
>also, like Luther Hardy, had the perfect eye when buying Jacobs - you take 
>someone with a "good eye" and the ability to breed also you end up with 
>nice stock.  Phil Sponenburg told me one time that freckling was in Jacobs 
>and NCs - just part of it.  If you do not like it the breed away from it - 
>so it never bothered me - Horns, definite color separation, 
>Horns,  presence, Horns, black and white, and HORNS was my major concerns 
>- Oh yes - did I say HORNS!!!!??????  And I did not like striped horns 
>either -

Edd Bissell
New Market, Tn.

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