[Jacob-list] breeding lambs

Linda wolfpen at rabun.net
Sat Oct 27 16:31:57 EDT 2001

I leave all my ewe lambs in the breeding groups.  With only two exceptions, 
they have bred as lambs. One of those did not lamb the following year either 
and was culled. I usually do not put my rams in until the ewe lambs are at 
least 6 months old andsometimes wait until they are 7 months.  I expect my ewe 
lambs to breed and lamb as yearlings.  They are very polite ewes and usually 
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On Sat, 27 Oct 2001 11:32:20 -0400, Thomas Simmons wrote:
>       I'm just curious. How many of you breed your      ewe lambs the first 
>What criteria do you use to decide?
>  I breed my ewes the first year. The sole      criteria is this: Do they 
conceive?!   So
>far, I haven't had a      problem with any of those births.
>  thom

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