WenlochFrm at aol.com WenlochFrm at aol.com
Tue Jul 10 21:25:14 EDT 2001

In a message dated 7/10/01 11:01:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
Jacobflock at aol.com writes:

> In 1841, Wallace and Watson add to the confusion by saying the four-horned 
> or 
> Caoirich Big type sheep has been added to the Scottish upland breeds.  
> "These 
> horned sheep are usually white but there were some with black wool and some 
> with grey.'  MacDonald 1810 describing the Hebrides sheep adds the 
> 'Norwegian': white in fleece and leg but it bore a blue grey, brown or 
> russet 
> and sometimes all of these meet in the same animal...'frequently carries 
> four 
> or even six horns'  It was however short-tailed

I'm not following this very well, Fred. Are the Caoirich Big type sheep 
related to the Hebridean? I keep tuned for information that might explain the 
origins of the lilac color  in our Jacobs.

Interesting that they would breed for singles. Did they say why? Also about 
the molting. I think some of my Jacobs must not have evolved very much. I'm 
very late shearing, and half the flock are bare halfway up their sides. Joan 
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