[Jacob-list] stories

Betty Berlenbach lambfarm at sover.net
Mon Jan 29 19:33:37 EST 2001

I have been amused, touched, surprised by the various little vignettes about individual jacobs that many have posted to the list, and wonder whether people would be willing to send some of these little stories to me or Edie van Valkenburg, to compile into a little booklet (or maybe a big booklet) filled with stories of our love affair with these lovely sheep.  If you send them to one of us, we'll organize them under various categories (teeth?  old age? hi-jinks?  send your categories, too?) and print and collate them into booklets available at the AGM 2001, if we get enough, and possibly available through other sources for those not attending the AGM.  I think if might make a neat testimony to the smarts, creativity, mothering ability, etc. of our great sheep.  Comments?

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