[Jacob-list] Old Age in Sheep

Cathy Robinson perfectspot at blueridge.net
Sun Jan 28 09:10:49 EST 2001

I guess "old age" is relative for our sheep, as it is for their keepers!

Our oldest ewe here came originally from Edd Bissell something like 12
or 13 years ago.  When I last spoke with him about this particular girl,
he claimed she had to be "at least" that old.    In her lifetime, she
was a couple other places before coming here as a part of a small group.

She was "queen" when she came here, but seems to be backing off a bit,
and is
now more like the "queen mother".  She delivered beautiful twins last
year, and she will likely be one of our first to lamb this year.  She is
always first!  This old girl is "fit as a fiddle" and despite her
mellowing a bit I still see her as very healthy.  She does get a bit of
extra feed right now, and her weight looks good.  It would be best for
her to only have to raise one lamb this year....two last year was a bit
of a strain.

  When I asked the vet last year about "retiring" her, he basically said
"why"---if she continues to be in good health and has no major problems
when lambing or raising them. She is one that would not be content going
to pasture---yet.

She does not look or act her age.  People are shocked to know how old
she really is!

PerfectSpot Farm

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