[Jacob-list] (no subject)

George L.Benedict benedict at snet.net
Sat Aug 25 01:28:12 EDT 2001

Several of us have read Montgomery, Henry, Dodds, Beattie, Wuliji and Crawford  "Mapping the Horns (Ho) Locus in Sheep, etc... 

At least three alleles exist for that locus and certain combinations of alleles at that locus can produce scurs. Horn growth in rams can also be influenced by alleles at the Scurs (Sc) locus which through interaction with the Ho locus results in scurs and aberrant horns. 

But SUED has been shown to occur, oddly enough, with the highest frequency in 4H and polled animals leading some to suspect that multi-hornedness and polledness may be linked in some way. Watson (1978) proposed that split eyelids and split horn buds were caused by the same gene but further research by Watson and later Henson(1981) demonstrated that no simple dominant/recessive system can account for the variability of horn distributions from test crosses. Data on polled animals (McCay, 1981) also shows that horn inheritance defies accommodation by a simple genetic model.

None of my experiments have led me to believe that I have much ability to control or predict the outcome of horn morphology at all !!! But I keep trying and despite all the reading of references, I try to keep it simple and keep my fingers crossed.

George Benedict 
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