[Jacob-list] personal help

Edd Bissell bissell at usit.net
Fri Aug 10 12:41:17 EDT 2001

Would someone from Canada who would get me some Rx prices please email me 
privately???  My Senator - Bill Frist - is one of the architects for the 
Bush Administration for the new Discount Card for Medicare/over 65.  I have 
a problem with it because I, being a small Drug Store owner, am going to be 
the one who has to give the discount - NOT the large, money making  Drug 
manufacturers - And the President of Merco-Medco, a subsidiary of MSD was 
on the podium with Sen Frist and Pres Bush when he made the 
announcement.  So I would like to know the difference between what you all 
pay for 5 drugs up there that are manufactured by MSD as compared to what 
we pay for them here.  Thanks in advance. I am fairly active with 
communicating with my Sen and Reps on Farm and Pharmacy matters. And this 
is one that I cannot let slid by without comment.

Edd Bissell
New Market, Tn.

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