[Jacob-list] Jacob lilac question

Linda wolfpen at rabun.net
Sat Aug 4 08:47:18 EDT 2001

I've seen a condition where a black spot appears to "bleed" and the over all 
appearance is mottled.  In this situation, the part that is grey used to be 
white.  The birth fleece often has a faint tint to the area surrounding the 
spots, even though the bleeding may not show up for a few years.  Not sure if 
that was even your question, but I don't consider it evidence of lilac.
I do consider the eye ring to be evidence of a lilac carrier.
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On Sat, 4 Aug 2001 06:03:29 -0400, Thomas Simmons wrote:
>--And while we're on the subject......
>If a ewe grays in some places, butis jet black in others - (even with
>distinct jet black spots in the MIDDLE of the grayed areas!) is this really
>graying? Or is it evidence of Lilac?  Or ???
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>Jacob-list at jacobsheep.com

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