[Jacob-list] tests

sunbriar at juno.com sunbriar at juno.com
Wed Apr 4 20:51:23 EDT 2001

Hi, boy am I tired and sore!  Today the State sent 2 Vets here as part of
a program I signed up for, and they drew blood from ALL my sheep. It was
hard work, Im real sore from holding sheep while they tried to find a
vien! But the good news is I will have OPP tests on all my sheep and a
few also get Johnes tests and the rams get DNA tests (for scrapie
resistance) and  I didnt have to pay for the sheep in the program and got
"at cost" for the other sheep...I will be anxiously awaiting the results
of the test. The 3 Jacobs I have were tested (neg) 2 years ago, but many
of the others were never tested before. Kathy
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