[Jacob-list] Tetanus and horses

Robvcas at aol.com Robvcas at aol.com
Fri Sep 15 18:29:04 EDT 2000

The organism that causes tetanus (I'm pretty sure its clostridium tetanii)  
exists in the soil and manure of most farms.   It enters through a wound in 
the skin, and reproduces quickly in animals that are not innoculated against 
it.  The symptoms of "lockjaw" then occur,  body stiffness, sensitivity to 
light and sound,  and eventually death.  Innoculations  of tetanus toxoid are 
so cheap and easy, and since the organism  is in the ground everywhere, all 
farm animals (and farmers) should get them regularly.  A booster of tetanus 
antitoxin can be given if an animal is injured and hasen't had its regular 
shots for awhile, to temporarily boost immunity.  Robin Casasanto

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