[Jacob-list] Night Lights for Sheep

iseespots iseespots at email.msn.com
Mon Oct 9 07:56:00 EDT 2000


My sheep also sleep primarily under the lighted area they have.  The barn is lit in the winter, and the sheep congregate in there for the most part---except on full moon nights when we get some good frosts or light dustings of snow.  Silly sheep!

I went to Montpelier in VA this weekend----great time.  Met a lady looking to move about 7-9 rams that she now has.  Apparently had gotten them when Helen Durst in OH quit dealing with the Jacob sheep.  She has made pets out of some of these and that is about all I know about them.  I do have a phone number should anybody have any serious interest.  She was talking about trading 2 rams for a ewe but found no nibbles on that approach from the two of us that I know she talked to up there.

Mary Ellen
ISeeSpots Farm www.iseespots.com
Home of Jacob Sheep, Shetland Sheep,
and German Angora Rabbits, colored German Angora crosses.
Renewable fleeces, loving personalities, friends.
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