[Jacob-list] sick lamb

klfoster klfoster at netins.net
Mon Jun 12 00:56:34 EDT 2000

	Pepto Bismol, a couple of teaspoons, usually works on the diarrhea if it's
the yellow kind.  If the stool is white, you probably have some type
bacterial infection and need antibiotics.  The stiffness could be an
indication of White Muscle disease which is a deficiency of vitamin E and
selinium or hopefully, just a difficult, weak lamb.  If he also seems to
have trouble walking, I'd try to get treatment for  White Muscle, if not I
think I'd continue to dilute the replacer, try the Pepto, and maybe get a
little Gatorade into the lamb.  Try small frequent feedings.  Don't try to
stuff him.  He should only have 2-3 ounces at a time.
	Most of my lambing help has come from Paula Simmons book, Raising Sheep
the Modern Way.  It's a wonderful source and we've had good luck following
her advice on numerous occasions.  I've never had a bottle baby, but have
had a couple of very reluctant first time Mamas that had to be rolled over
and held down so a lamb could nurse.  Once they started nursing the ewes
would accept the lambs.  Good luck!	
								Laurie F.

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