[Jacob-list] sheep tables

sbennett sbennett at teleport.com
Fri Aug 4 10:49:50 EDT 2000

I remember them saying it was dangerous to the sheep to turn them 
completely upside down. Their tables put them on their side. Can't find a 
business card for the manufacturer that we met. They are at Oregon Flock 
and Fiber every year, so, I can pick up the info in Sept and post it to 
the list.

Debbie Bennett
Feral Fibre

>	I saw someone selling one of those at Oregon Flock and Fiber last year,
>and asked about the turning upside down bit.  She said that although they
>will crank all the way over, one is not supposed to put the sheep in that
>position.  I have a feeling that as well as unpleasant, it's not healthy
>for the sheep either, but I don't know.
>	The person selling it was also making them - along with small holding pens
>and similar welded metal things.  Debbie of Feral Fibre was there with me
>-- are you reading Debbie?  Do you remember any of the details?

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