[ARGUS] Segfault on proto 58 (server/client v 5.0.2)

Patrick Forsberg patrick.forsberg at chalmers.se
Mon Mar 17 14:25:13 EDT 2025

I installed and compiled argus and clients today, but when I run ra on 
captured data it segfaults pretty quickly.

I've managed to narrow it down to being a problem with ipv6-icmp 
(protocol 58) since  I can run 'ra -r <capture file> - not proto 
ipv6-icmp' without problems.

Any suggestions on how I can dig further or even a suggestion on what 
the problem could be?

Installation was pretty straightforward

git clone https://github.com/openargus/argus
git clone https://github.com/openargus/clients

cd argus; ./configure && make && make install
cd client; ./configure && make && make install

All done on Ubuntu 24.04



*Patrick Forsberg*
IT-säkerhetsspecialist | IT Security Specialist
Chalmers Cyber- och informationssäkerhetsgrupp (CCIG) | Chalmers IRT 
<abuse at chalmers.se> <mailto:abuse at chalmers.se>

Chalmers verksamhetsstöd | Chalmers Operations Support
IT-avdelningen | IT Office
+46(0)31 772 5353
Besöksadress: Teknikparken / Sven Hultins gata 9C

Chalmers tekniska högskola | Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96
Göteborg | Gothenburg
Sverige | Sweden
www.chalmers.se <https://www.chalmers.se>

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