[ARGUS] Argus v5 branches

Carter Bullard carter at qosient.com
Wed May 22 10:01:11 EDT 2024

Gentle persons,
Argus v5.0.0 has been available as the v5.0.0 branch on GitHub for about 2 months now … testing seems to be good, as its working well on all the endpoint targets, Linux (many flavors), Mac OS Venura and Sonoma, and Windows 10 and 11, as well as all the classic sensor OS’s, including IRIX, Solaris, Linux, *BSD, AIX, HPUX, Onix, UniCos, VxWorks, Cygwin, OpenWRT etc … So we are on track for release this summer (target end of June) ….

If you are considering upgrading, I would give it a try now, and we can work out the issues.  The v5.0.0 clients are backward compatible with v3 argus and provide all the same functionality, so that maybe the best starting point.

Opinions on best way to swap from v3 to v5 as the default branch would be most welcome.

Suggestions on documentation are even more welcome, as that is my next focus.

Hope all is still … most excellent,


> On Mar 7, 2024, at 2:18 PM, Carter Bullard <carter at qosient.com> wrote:
> Gentle people,
> I have started to generate branches for v5 in the standard argus and argus-clients repos on GitHub.
> They have been separate repos up until now … we’ll maintain the separate repos until May ...
> These are fully functional, the clients branch has been rebased with v3.0 so the history is there, I’ll do the same for argus today ...
> Because v5.0 is incompatible with v3.0 I’ll keep v5 as a branch of argus and argus-clients …
> We’ll move the v5 branch into the main branch by the end of May … when hopefully all is happy ...
> If there are any issues / opinions / suggestions about this or any other issue … please holler !!!!
> Hope all is most excellent,
> Carter

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