[ARGUS] Argus 5.0.0. archive filter by ip protocol problem.

Ming Fu via Argus-info argus-info at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Tue Jul 23 14:55:56 EDT 2024

Hi Carter,

We would prefer a v5.0.2, but merge to v5.0.0 will be good as well.


-----Original Message-----
From: Carter Bullard <carter at qosient.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2024 2:51 PM
To: Ming Fu <Ming.Fu at esentire.com>
Cc: Argus <argus-info at lists.andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: Re: [ARGUS] Argus 5.0.0. archive filter by ip protocol problem.

Great … I’ve integrated the fall back strategy into the ‘main’ branch, and I’ve created a branch that has the new features we’d like to fix … but …, how should we manage the v5.0.0 release ??
I know Ming, you preferred to deploy an official release, so would you want us to edit the v5.0.0 release with these bug fixes, or would you like to see a new release, or can you wait until we get to v5.0.2 ???

I’ve posted an issue and a discussion on GitHub/openargus/clients … wonder if anyone on the list has an opinion on this ...


> On Jul 23, 2024, at 2:18 PM, Ming Fu <Ming.Fu at esentire.com> wrote:
> Hi Carter,
> This fix works!
> Thanks,
> Ming
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Carter Bullard <carter at qosient.com> 
> Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2024 11:28 AM
> To: Ming Fu <Ming.Fu at esentire.com>
> Cc: Argus <argus-info at lists.andrew.cmu.edu>
> Subject: Re: [ARGUS] Argus 5.0.0. archive filter by ip protocol problem.
> I have created a branch to v5.0.0, carter/filterFix, that restores the filter strategy.
> For compatibility, this only modifies ./common/grammar.y, and not the supporting scanner or filter itself.
> This removes undocumented filter features that we haven’t talked about yet, so it shouldn’t break anything.
> In the clients distro from GitHub ...
>   % git checkout carter/filterFix
>   % make
> Please test this out in your environment, and if it works for you, we’ll add it to the main release.
> Carter
>> On Jul 22, 2024, at 4:56 PM, Ming Fu via Argus-info <argus-info at lists.andrew.cmu.edu> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The argus 5.0.0 fails to parse the BPF filter 'ip proto <num>'
>> A few samples of the error message:
>> ra -X -F /opt/pkgs/argus-clients-e/argus/rarc -n -c, -s stime saddr dir daddr dport state -r /archive/2024-07/16/* --  'ip proto 50'
>> ArgusError: 2024-07-22 20:40:20.716884 filter syntax error: 'ip proto 50
>> ra -X -F /opt/pkgs/argus-clients-e/argus/rarc -n -c, -s stime saddr dir daddr dport state -r /archive/2024-07/16/* --  'ip proto esp'
>> ArgusError: 2024-07-22 20:40:24.940294 filter syntax error: 'ip proto esp'
>> Regards,
>> Ming

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