[ARGUS] Argus output flows with swapped src/dst IPs and src/dst ports

Hang Guo hangguo at usc.edu
Fri Nov 29 14:42:58 EST 2019


I found argus (Version, when fed in some pcaps with tcp packets,
could output flows with swapped  src/dst IPs and src/dst ports. I attach an
example 2-packet pcap (packet IPs and MAC anonymized, payload cropped) that
could trigger this behavior.

Specifically, when I do

> argus -r test_anon.pcap -w - | ra -c "," -r - -s stime ltime saddr daddr
> sport dport proto spkts -nn

The output is
> StartTime,LastTime,SrcAddr,DstAddr,Sport,Dport,Proto,SrcPkts
> 1562286513.155328,1562286513.155328,,,4104,443,6,0
> 1575055898.822475,1575055897.816590,0,32,0,1,man,0

While test_anon.pcap shows two tcp packets from to, argus output shows a tcp flow from to with 0 packets (since SrcPkt=0). And the src and dst ports in
argus output are also swapped. I wonder what goes wrong in this case?

Thanks and happy thanksgiving!
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