Argus time field truncation

Drew Dixon dwdixon at
Tue Mar 27 11:22:02 EDT 2018

Hi there,

I have a need to add the date into the stime field with ra so I've done so
using an ra.conf file:

RA_TIME_FORMAT="%y-%m-%d %T"

It appears to be picking up the customization in my ra.conf file but when I
test it out reading a file with ra the stime field is truncated (18-03-27
14*) and negates the purpose of adding the date in with the time....I came
across this part of the man page:

"Field lengths are hard constraints, and field output that exceeds the
field length will be truncated, and a '*' will be inserted as the last
character. *When you see this, add more to the length specification for
that specific field.*"

Which at first seems somewhat contradictory, with it stating these are hard
constraints but then that you can modify them, I suppose I'm not sure how I
would go about adding more to the length specification for that specific
field?  Is this indicating we would need to modify the field length value
in the argus client tools source code and recompile to increase the length
specification for this field?

Any help on how I can increase the length specification for the time field
would be greatly appreciated!

Many thanks,

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