Extracting Netflow 9 router fields as Argus record fields?

Richard Rothwell via Argus-info argus-info at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Wed Jun 8 20:57:34 EDT 2016

Hi Carter,

My Netflow 9 router output has these fields:

Flow Record:
  Flags        =              0x06 FLOW, Unsampled
  export sysid =                 1
  size         =                72
  first        =        1461737035 [2016-04-27 06:03:55]
  last         =        1461737035 [2016-04-27 06:03:55]
  msec_first   =               304
  msec_last    =               304
  src addr     =
  dst addr     =
  src port     =             27878
  dst port     =               443
  fwd status   =                 0
  tcp flags    =              0x18 .AP...
  proto        =                 6 TCP
  (src)tos     =                 0
  (in)packets  =                 2
  (in)bytes    =               193
  input        =               824
  output       =               644
  src as       =             10148
  dst as       =             32934

Apparently I need to extract input and output which I have been told are interface numbers.
Can I do that and if so how?

If its not in radium already can I hack the code to add it?


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