Manual for man records - MAR fields explained

elof2 at elof2 at
Tue May 26 05:23:34 EDT 2015

Hi Carter!

In the ra manual I find:

-M man  =  print management records

...but nowhere can I find any documentation as to what the values in the 
MAR records mean.

ra -AZb -nr out.log -M man
       StartTime      Flgs  Proto            SrcAddr  Sport Dir            DstAddr  Dport  SrcPkts  DstPkts     SrcBytes     DstBytes         State
10:53:41.106578              man                  0      0                      0      0        0        0            0            0           STA
10:53:41.106508              man                  0      0                     31      1        0        0            0            0           CON
10:54:41.201507              man                  0      0                     30      1        0        0            0            0           CON
10:55:41.195511              man                  0      0                     29      1        0        0            0            0           CON
  Totalrecords 4         TotalMarRecords 5         TotalFarRecords 0        TotalPkts 0        TotalBytes 0

I removed the out.log file and waited 6 minutes before running the 
command again.

ra -AZb -nr out.log -M man
       StartTime      Flgs  Proto            SrcAddr  Sport Dir            DstAddr  Dport  SrcPkts  DstPkts     SrcBytes     DstBytes         State
11:08:41.117577              man                  0      0                      0      0        0        0            0            0           STA
11:08:41.117510              man                  0      0                     25      1        0        0            0            0           CON
11:09:41.111507              man                  0      0                     25      1        0        0            0            0           CON
11:10:41.105505              man                  0      0                     25      1        0        0            0            0           CON
11:11:41.200512              man                  0      0                     25      1        0        0            0            0           CON
11:12:41.194504              man                  0      0                     25      1        0        0            0            0           CON
  Totalrecords 6         TotalMarRecords 7         TotalFarRecords 0        TotalPkts 0        TotalBytes 0

Argus is monitoring a NIC that currently has no link, so zero 
packets has been seen.

MAR records are generated, just as they should.

I'm curious as to what the 31, 30, 29 and 25, 25, 25, 25, 25 might be.
And 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 in the Dport field...
...and why they are not all 0, since argus see no packets at all.

Could you please explain all the fields (and then paste the explaination 
into the ra manpage)? :-)


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