ARGUS Binary Size

Carter Bullard carter at
Mon Sep 15 16:01:45 EDT 2014

Hey James,
The src and dst labels for traffic in argus records does not
equate to the number of packets we receive on the 2 DAG interfaces.
These src and dst are flow src and dst, and refer to the flow
source (the initiator of the flow transaction) and flow destination
(the target of the flow transaction).

I suspect that if there is a problem, its that argus is getting
packets from only one interface.


On Sep 15, 2014, at 1:42 PM, James Grace <jgrac002 at> wrote:

> David, Carter
> Thanks for the help so far.  I’ve changed some things around and the new scheme is:
> Two argus instances listening to a DAG card:
> argus -d -i dag0 -P 561
> argus -d -i dag1 -P 562
> I have only one option in my /etc/argus.conf:
> # cat /etc/argus.confg 
> I have also configured the DAG cards to slen=88. 
> I have radium connecting to the argi thusly:
> radium -S localhost:561 -S localhost:562 -d -M dsrs=-net -encaps -P 563
> And I have rastream connecting to radium to store and sort the argus binaries.
> rastream -s 48 -S localhost:563 -M dsrs=-net -M time 5m -w /flows/argus/%Y/%m/%d/argus.%H.%M -D3
> I understand that each of these binaries now contain two streams of traffic. Is that correct?  Even with all these flags and slen parameters, I am seeing massive binary sizes:
> ls -l
> total 57231320
> -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 5790698448 Sep 15 13:13 argus.12.45
> -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 8052120672 Sep 15 13:13 argus.12.50
> -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 8416875168 Sep 15 13:13 argus.12.55
> -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 7613404132 Sep 15 13:13 argus.13.00
> -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 6660266172 Sep 15 13:13 argus.13.05
> -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 6112649344 Sep 15 13:19 argus.13.15
> -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 7716601984 Sep 15 13:24 argus.13.20
> -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 8098926720 Sep 15 13:29 argus.13.25
> -rw-r--r--. 1 root root  143270016 Sep 15 13:30 argus.13.30
> If I run recount I’m seeing 5million records per 5 minute binary:
> racount -r argus.13.25
> racount   records     total_pkts     src_pkts       dst_pkts       total_bytes        src_bytes          dst_bytes
>     sum   53181673    53191299       37622951       15568348       49381504197        28748639718        20632864479
> I’m thinking there’s got to be some miscounts.  The link I’m measuring, both ingress and egress traffic sum up to about 2Gb/s with a peak of 4Gb/s (attached is a graph). 
> I would expect the binary size to be roughly equivalent to an SFlow  record (~3MB)
> <chart2.png>
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks
> -james
> On Aug 7, 2014, at 11:50 PM, David Edelman <dedelman at> wrote:
>> There are strange things done in the midnight sun by config files that hang around waiting for a trusting soul.
>> I suggest that you try adding –X as the first item in your command line just to be sure that someone, sometime didn’t configure /etc/argus to capture 2048 bytes of user data or something else that takes up space.
>> —Dave
>> From: James Grace <jgrac002 at>
>> Date: Monday, August 4, 2014 at 8:02 PM
>> To: Carter Bullard <carter at>
>> Cc: Argus <argus-info at>
>> Subject: Re: [ARGUS] ARGUS Binary Size
>> Carter, 
>> Here is the flow records for a 5 minute trace:
>> /flows/South/2014/07/31$ racount -r argus.13.50
>> racount   records     total_pkts     src_pkts       dst_pkts       total_bytes        src_bytes          dst_bytes
>> sum   1764263     35097518       24751551       10345967       43920187649        30233499247        13686688402   
>> I'm currently not running argus off of an argus.conf -- I imagine it's using default values. 
>> Thanks, 
>> -james
>> On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 3:58 PM, Carter Bullard <carter at> wrote:
>>> Hey James,
>>> Could be you’re seeing a lot of flows.  How many flow records are being stored?
>>>    % racount -r
>>> Depending on the configuration, a flow record can be anywhere from 100-1K bytes
>>> per record, on the average.  Argus output size is not sensitive to packet size,
>>> except when its capturing user data. This is controlled by the
>>> ARGUS_CAPTURE_DATA_LEN variable in the /etc/argus.conf file, if you have one...
>>> What is that set to ????
>>> Carter
>>> On Aug 4, 2014, at 3:50 PM, James Grace <jgrac002 at> wrote:
>>> > Good afternoon List,
>>> >
>>> > I've been collecting traces using argus and rastream off of a  DAG8.1SX.  The link is running right around 2.3Gb/s.  I've been looking into the argus.conf manpage to see if there is a way to limit the packet length stored by rastream or argus.
>>> >
>>> > Right now, if I run argus and rastream with these flags"
>>> >
>>> > #argus -d -i dag0 -P 561
>>> >
>>> > #rastream -S localhost -M time 5m -w /flows/South/%Y/%m/%d/argus.%H.%M -D 3&
>>> >
>>> > I'm getting rather large binaries for 5 minutes -- right around 1GB.  I have a feeling its grabbing all 9000bytes of the jumbo frame. Is there a workaround for this?
>>> >
>>> > Thanks a bunch!
>>> >
>>> > James
>>> >

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