new argus-clients- on the server

David Edelman dedelman at
Mon May 19 23:43:42 EDT 2014

I added a debug statement to rasqlinsert.c in ArgusOutputProcessClose at the
end of the loop that calls ArgusScheduleSQLQuery. It looks like both the
ArgusMySQLUpdateProcess and ArgusMySQLSelectProcess threads were already
stopped before the items are scheduled. This is with -D 2
RaProcessSplitOptions(xtyst_2013_09_23, 4096, 0x9beec630): returns 0
ArgusCreateSQLSaveTable (xtyst_2013_09_23) returning
RaProcessSplitOptions(xtyst_2013_09_24, 4096, 0x9beec630): returns 0
ArgusCreateSQLSaveTable (xtyst_2013_09_24) returning
RaProcessSplitOptions(xtyst_2013_09_27, 4096, 0x9beec630): returns 0
ArgusCreateSQLSaveTable (xtyst_2013_09_27) returning
RaProcessSplitOptions(xtyst_2013_09_30, 4096, 0x9beec630): returns 0
ArgusCreateSQLSaveTable (xtyst_2013_09_30) returning
RaProcessSplitOptions(xtyst_2013_10_01, 4096, 0x9beec630): returns 0
ArgusCreateSQLSaveTable (xtyst_2013_10_01) returning
ArgusScheduleSQLQuery (0x9bfde010, 0x3e06330, 0x8c0039f0, INSERT INTO
(ltime,dur,srcid,saddr,daddr,proto,bytes,sco,dco,record) VALUES
R","US",...), 32) done
ArgusScheduleSQLQuery (0x9bfde010, 0x3e06330, 0x8c004190, INSERT INTO
(ltime,dur,srcid,saddr,daddr,proto,bytes,sco,dco,record) VALUES
IR","US",...), 32) done
ArgusMySQLUpdateProcess() done!
ArgusMySQLSelectProcess() done!
ArgusOutputProcessClose: ArgusParser->RaParseDone set after 53 items were
sent to ArgusScheduleSQLQuery
ArgusMySQLInsertProcess() done!
ArgusWindowClose () returning
RaParseComplete(caught signal 0)
ArgusShutDown (0)
ArgusWindowClose () returning
RaParseComplete(caught signal 0)
ArgusDeleteModeList () returning
ArgusDeleteFileList () returning
ArgusDeleteLabeler (0x7f7d9bfde010, 0x3e05d10) returning
ArgusDeleteAggregator(0x7f7d9bfde010, 0x3e06330) returned
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