rasql sco dco problem

David Edelman dedelman at iname.com
Thu May 15 17:48:55 EDT 2014


This appears to be a problem for some time, not specific to but you
might want to look at it. The data were written with but I can make
it happen with previous versions as well. Using matrix as a component of the
aggregation may change the order of the source and destination of the output
flow record, but it doesn't seem to reorder the sco and dco components to
reflect that. I can understand if it doesn't modify the labels but since I
can filter on sco and dco it would be nice to have them move along with the

123.123.x is allocated to China, is redacted but the
original was allocated to the US and I preserved the relative magnitude of
the two addresses to maintain the ordering in the matrix value.


rasqlinsert -M time 1d -M cache -S localhost:561 -w
mysql://argus@localhost/argus/matrix_%Y_%m_%d   -m srcid matrix proto -s
ltime dur srcid saddr daddr bytes proto sco dco -d

rasql -t -5d -r mysql:argus/matrix_%Y_%m_%d -M time 1d -M sql="saddr like
'123.123.%'" -w - | ra
                        StartTime      Flgs  Proto         TcpOpt
SrcAddr        Sport sCo   Dir dCo            DstAddr        Dport
State  Trans  TotPkts   TotBytes
      Thu 2014-05-15 21:14:54.611 Ne           tcp               CN    ->  US
REQ      1        3        144

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