Argus seems to stop writing data that ra can read.

Scott A. McIntyre s.a.mcintyre at
Wed Mar 26 22:55:17 EDT 2014

As much as I hate replying to myself - the issue is definitely with 
argus-clients.  I downgraded to an earlier version ( and can 
read the same files that the most recent version seems to barf out on.

Happy hunting, Carter!


I upgraded an Argus box of mine yesterday and am now running argus 
version - I'm using the same configuration file that I was using 
from a slightly earlier version, but, I don't think that my issue is 
related to the configuration file.

Symptom:  After X amount of minutes (lowest 1, highest 20ish) argus 
clients are unable to read new data that is in argus.out.

[ snip ]

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