finding where the file size difference is ?

mike tancsa mike at
Thu Aug 21 10:57:45 EDT 2014

On 8/21/2014 10:45 AM, mike tancsa wrote:
> I created the new one with the command
> ra -nr /var/log/argus/mpls-router.arg -w
> /var/log/argus/previous/mpls-router.2014. - not dst port 561
> and not dst host and not ether proto llc and not man
> I dont understand why it would be bigger ?

If I compress them, the new one is still larger, so it does not seem to 
be some zero padding issue.

Original vs new
# ra -nr mpls-router.arg - | wc
  3835150 34532989 460218001
# ra -nr mpls-router.2014. - | wc
  3428332 30871626 411399841

and if I do a straight read vs write
same deal
# ls -lh mpls-router.arg tmp.arg
-rw-r--r--  1 mdtancsa  mdtancsa  -  743M Aug 21 10:34 mpls-router.arg
-rw-r--r--  1 root      mdtancsa  -  1.0G Aug 21 10:56 tmp.arg

# ls -lh mpls-router.arg tmp.arg mpls-router.2014.
-rw-r--r--  1 mdtancsa  mdtancsa  -  967M Aug 21 10:32 
-rw-r--r--  1 mdtancsa  mdtancsa  -  743M Aug 21 10:34 mpls-router.arg
-rw-r--r--  1 root      mdtancsa  -  1.0G Aug 21 10:56 tmp.arg

The newer version of ra perhaps changes some field sizes ?


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