heartbleed patterns ?

mike tancsa mike at sentex.ca
Thu Apr 10 21:11:23 EDT 2014

These options look better

# ra -L0 -N 30 -nr radium.2014. 
-spcr,sbytes,dbytes,sappbytes,dappbytes - tcp and port 993 and pkts gt 
10 and srcid <host I am interested in>

    PCRatio     SrcBytes     DstBytes    SAppBytes    DAppBytes
  -0.564713         8200        17427         3718        13365
  -0.323127         2438         3154         1238         2420
   0.081633         6384         4596         2226         1890
   0.748789         5352         2984         4692          674
  -0.627924         7774        16846         2974        13012
  -0.610738         2744         5972         1218         5040
  -0.550795         4315         7347         1667         5755
  -0.323609         3426         3939         1368         2677
  -0.566158         4551         7813         1705         6155
   0.073302         6215         4662         2189         1890
  -0.510569         3463         5341         1343         4145
  -0.745797         2412         5459          688         4725
  -0.775878         2724         4648          472         3740
   0.237192         1048         1128          652          402
  -0.440237         2002         3094          946         2434
   0.990593       355233        13419       337929         1597
   0.090220         6183         4506         2157         1800
  -0.229565         3090         3093         1230         1963
   0.235040         6457         3760         5005         3100
  -0.025942         3442         3086         1990         2096
  -0.634990         5796        10204         1836         8224
   0.081633         6384         4662         2226         1890
  -0.392833         1888         2786          898         2060
  -0.217314         3378         3381         1320         2053
  -0.592405         4221         8511         1771         6919
  -0.546398         2225         3225          699         2383
   0.081633         6384         4596         2226         1890
  -0.342771         2687         3029         1091         2229
  -0.527645         3189         3232          739         2390
   0.934990        28527         2300        26431          888On 
4/10/2014 9:04 PM, mike tancsa wrote:
> On 4/10/2014 8:47 PM, Jesse Bowling wrote:
>> Hi Mike,
>> You would need to have this section in your argus.conf/command line in
>> order to be generating application byte metrics (which pcr is based on):
>> # Argus can be configured to generate metrics that include
>> # the application byte counts as well as the packet count
>> # and byte counters.
>> #
>> # Commandline equivalent   -A
>> #
> Thanks, I do have that on the particular server I am interested in.  I
> collect it via radium, so hopefully that did not mess up the old
> historical records.
>   ra -L0 -N 30 -nr radium.2014.
> -spcr,spkts,dpkts,dbytes,sbytes,srcappbyte - tcp and port 993 and pkts
> gt 10 and host xxxx
>     PCRatio  SrcPkts  DstPkts     DstBytes     SrcBytes
>   -0.564713       82       75        17427         8200
>   -0.323127       18       11         3154         2438
>    0.081633       63       41         4596         6384
>    0.748789       10       35         2984         5352
>   -0.627924       87       71        16846         7774
>   -0.610738       23       14         5972         2744
>   -0.550795       40       24         7347         4315
>   -0.323609       31       19         3939         3426
>   -0.566158       43       25         7813         4551
>    0.073302       61       42         4662         6215
>   -0.510569       32       18         5341         3463
>   -0.745797       26       11         5459         2412
>   -0.775878       34       14         4648         2724
>    0.237192        6       11         1128         1048
>   -0.440237       16       10         3094         2002
>    0.990593      262      179        13419       355233
>    0.090220       61       41         4506         6183
>   -0.229565       28       17         3093         3090
>    0.235040       22       10         3760         6457
>   -0.025942       22       15         3086         3442
>   -0.634990       60       30        10204         5796
>    0.081633       63       42         4662         6384
>   -0.392833       15       11         2786         1888
>   -0.217314       31       20         3381         3378
>   -0.592405       37       24         8511         4221
>   -0.546398       23       13         3225         2225
>    0.081633       63       41         4596         6384
>   -0.342771       24       12         3029         2687
>   -0.527645       37       13         3232         3189
>    0.934990       38       26         2300        28527

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