Recursive Read Problem with rasqlinsert

David Edelman dedelman at
Sat Oct 5 15:21:25 EDT 2013

This is the first of two problems that I am seeing with rasqlinsert reading
its input from argus files.

In this case I have a set of files stored in in the typical
archive/YYYY/MM/DD/file_YYYY_MM_DD_HH.gz hierarchy. If I cd to archive/YYYY
and attempt to use rasqlinsert  -R* go through  that set of files, I don't
end up with much of anything in the database. On the other hand, if I use a
set of nested Bash for loops sequencing through the month and day values and
use rasqlinsert -R $M/$D/* all seems to be fine.

Has anyone else seen this problem?  The second problem is in the next email
to avoid subject creep.

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