Argus detecting historical APT1 activity #2

Carter Bullard carter at
Mon Mar 25 12:01:00 EDT 2013

Hey Rafael,
One of the huge things about argus based network auditing, is that it allows
you to test to see if your site " has seen " attacked.  We've built argus in
such a way, that most new network attack signatures and profiles can be
detected from argus data, whether its a part of the Discovery, Penetration,
Infiltration, Exploitation or Extraction phases of an attack.  Which means if
you have an argus archive of your site, when new attacks are discovered,
you should be able to ask " Have I ever been affected by this ?".  Now argus
isn't perfect, but it does do a good job, good enough to catch bad guys.

This allowed us at the U.S. Naval Research Lab to realize that the Skitter
intrusion signatures, so many many years ago, first emerged 9 months earlier
than any other accounts, and helped to point those that were really interested,
in a good direction as to where Skitter really came from.  Attack Attribution
at its best.

Understanding that you " have been " attacked in the past is infinitely more
important than detecting a zero day technique for the future.   If you looked
around the net after APT1 was described, you would see that most of the
reaction was to configure up the IDS, Bro or Snort sensor to detect APT1
activity on the wire.   Well, if you have already been attacked, the probability
that you'll see continued discovery, penetration and infiltration signatures is
very low.  Putting in old signatures won't get you much, except maybe
a false sense of confidence about your secure state.  But the reality is,
more than likely, you were attacked, long ago.  Mods to IDS's, Bro and Snort
aren't going to tell you much, except maybe when the inevitable copy cat 
comes around trying to do what has already been done.

Most people have forgotten the theoretical basis for how IDS's work.
The concept, from the Bell-LaPadula model of information security, is that
you are in a secure state.  All is good. IDS monitoring is designed to help
you detect the potential for a transition from secure to insecure.  If the
IDS were all knowing, and understood everything, then it could do its job
to alert you to the potential that you may be transitioning from secure to

But you find out new methods, which lead to new signatures.  Without
testing the past, against the new attack strategy, you have no idea
if you are secure, and the theory goes away.  This is the basis for virus
scanning after you get the new virus signature file,...., right ?!?!??!

Most people think that security is a real time prevention problem, and that
all cyber security technology should be oriented around Mitigation, i.e.
stopping attacks before, or as they happen.  This is, of course, extremely
naive, and propagates the myth that such a process could actually be built.

While mitigation is extremely important, identification and attribution are
even more important, because they come first.  They are the basis for the
theory of cyber security.  Don't shoot off that offensive mitigation device,
until you know what and where you are shooting.

OK, after all of that, what I was suggesting, is that argus has all the metrics
needed to do most of the stepping stone detection methods that have been
published, and a few that have not.  Argus can capture packet dynamics,
traffic attributes and content to support things like on / off periodicity analysis,
content matching, etc... so a pretty reliable stepping stone detection capability
isn't hard to do.  In attribution analysis, that should be pretty huge.

So, not sure what you are suggesting, but generalizing APT1 into basic
cyber security constructs, and then showing how to approach the historical
detection of those constructs, I believe is very important.


On Mar 25, 2013, at 10:49 AM, Rafael Barbosa <rrbarbosa at> wrote:

> Hi Carter,
> Thanks for the nice description on how to use argus to detect the ATP1 attacks, its a nice practical explanation on how to use argus data in real-world scenarios.
> However, I am more interested in the general case for intrusion detection than in the ATP1 case itself. For instance, you finish suggesting some client could be build to detect this attack, but would that make sense. As you said:
>    "Was", the past tense of "is",  is now the correct tense to use, when referring to Mandiant's
> description of APT1's methods.  
> So, while is interesting to know if you "were" affected, such client "will" not do much against the (possible) new APT1's methods.
> However, I think that facilitating the detection of stepping stone nodes and restricting (whitelisting?) the usage of remote login protocols, such as RDP and SSH, might be nice to someone trying to perform a security audit.
> --
> Rafael Barbosa
> On Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 7:06 PM, Carter Bullard <carter at> wrote:
> Gentle people,
> To continue on the Argus and APT1 discussion, I had written that the Mandiant
> APT1 document described two basic nodes in the APT1 attack infrastructure,
> the Hop Point and the Target Attack Nodes.  I'm going to continue to write about
> Hop Points for a few more emails, because, having one of your machines acting
> as an APT1 Hop Point, is possible the worst thing that can happen in the APT1
> attack life cycle.
> The Hop Point is the primary attack node, from the perspective of the site
> being attacked.  If APT1 were to obtain US Classified Information through one
> of your corporate machines, regardless of who is driving the attack, your
> corporation is the attacking entity, and you have will have to assume the
> complete liability for the incident, including cost and reputation impacts, unless
> you can support attribution to the actual attacker.
> I had mentioned last time, that there were behaviors that could be leveraged
> to assess if you had been compromised by APT1 and that nodes in your
> organization were being used as Hop Points.
>> Based on Mandiant's experience, there are some common trends that
>> the APT1 report suggests for Hop Points.
>>    1) virtually all accesses to APT1 Hop Points are from a
>>         select set of IP addresses in China
>>    2) inital penetration and subsequent direct accesses to
>>         Hop Points use Remote Desktop Application
>>    3) many late stage accesses use SSH tunneling, with
>>         specific credentials.
>>    4) Hop points are used to move large volumes of data.
> The #1 trend was that most, if not all, accesses to Hop Points were from Chinese
> IP addresses, and in the previous email, I describe how you can use argus data
> and argus client programs to determine if nodes in your organization are
> communicating with machines in China.  Of course, interaction with Chinese
> machines is not proof of APT1 activity, as I indicated, so care must be taken
> when using general indicators, to strengthen the evidence before you start
> dismantling your organization, looking for APT1 nodes.
> Mandiant suggested that there would be retribution against it for the disclosure of its
> discoveries.  However, based on my experience investigating large scale (global)
> intrusions at the CMU-CERT in the 1990's, this is very unlikely.  Active retribution
> will strengthen the report, and reveal that the investigation has had a negative
> impact on the attackers overall strategy.  What will most likely happen, is that
> the adversary will change its methods, rather than stop its activity.   "Was", the
> past tense of "is",  is now the correct tense to use, when referring to Mandiant's
> description of APT1's methods.  
> In this email, I'd like to talk about how to detect APT1 Hop Point activity, when the
> accesses are not from China, and work our way to a point where you can use argus
> data to detect the activity.  I'll try to do this, without this email growing to 100 pages.
> The key is to try to understand what does a Hop Point do in its role in the APT1
> infrastructure, and then to try to confidently detect that behavior.  The Mandiant
> report indicated 3 other trends for Hop Points.  1) Access was done through Microsoft's
> Remote Desktop Protocol.  Detecting that RDP was used at any time to access
> nodes within your infrastructure, will be a telling point.  2) Many accesses are
> tunneled through SSH, so detection of SSH tunnels to nodes outside your normal
> Community of Interest (COI) will help to strengthen a case for APT1 activity, and
> 3) Hop Points are used to move large volumes of data.  Detecting that nodes
> are using any method to move lots of data out of your infrastructure, will be our
> primary key.
> This last trend, that APT1 Hop Points move lots of data out, is very important, and
> deserves a great deal of discussion, which we can't do today.  Hopefully, it will
> suffice to say that Hop Point data movement should not be called Exfiltration,
> but simple Transport.  The data the Hop Point is moving, doesn't originate from
> the Hop Point's enterprise, but from someone else's enterprise.  So the data has
> to come into the enterprise, and then leave.  This is critical to establishing a simple
> detection criteria.  An APT1 Hop Point is really a transport node, either store and
> forward, or real time transit.  If its a real time transit node, then its a single hop
> Stepping Stone, which can be detected pretty easily.
> Single hop Stepping Stones can be easy to find.  A single transport thread that
> is going from X -> A and A -> Y, at the same time with multiple similar characteristics,
> such as instantaneous load, application bytes transferred, packet dynamics.
> You would like to think that content patterns would be a reliable method for matching,
> like it is for tracking NAT processes, but it is may not be as good as you think.
> If the two threads are using TCP, as an example, the two different connections
> can have wildly different network experiences, such as variations in MTU, widow size,
> loss rates etc... causing the data patterns to be more variable than expected.
> But that doesn't make the effort impossible, just slightly complicated.
> If you like to think of abstract objects and then find examples of them, a single
> hop stepping stone is a proxyed connect that is terminated and re-originated.
> In some cases, it is very similar to a NAT process, but because the connects are
> terminated, the two threads of transport will have different sequence numbers,
> TCP options, TTLs, framing points, and possibly different MTUs, all of which
> can change the number of packets, and the packet sizes, but eventually they
> are two TCP connections that are moving the same application payload, so
> there will be somethings in common.
> Argus clients can identify NAT'd traffic, where the IP addresses, and the ports
> have been changed (to protect the innocent ?), because argus data collects
> additional attributes that are not modified, like base sequence numbers, and
> payload patterns.  The attributes of interest in stepping stone detection is
> coincidental presence, with similar application loads.  And because Hop Points
> move very large amounts of data, you should look for flows that stand out,
> not ones that are hiding in the weeds.
> As an example, taking your argus data collected from your enterprise border,
> the goal is to find pairs of flows, that occur at the same time, with similar
> appbytes transferred over that period.  rabins() can help a great deal here.
> rabins() processes flow data, aggregating and sorting, within single time bins.
> By aggregating records within specific time periods, using the default mode
> of aggregation, and sorting based on appbytes, you will consolidate like flows
> together in the output.
>    rabins -F rabins.rarc -r -M time 1m -w -  - tcp
> In the rabins.rarc, the RA_SORT_ALGORITHM would be set to "dappbytes sappbytes".
> Of course, your argus sensors must be configured to provide this appbyte data.
> For single hop Stepping Stones, you're looking for flows that are similar in app
> byte demand where  X -> A and A -> Y.     In multi-hop stepping stones, the
> similarity will be there, but it will be X -> A and B -> Y.  There is no indication
> in the Mandiant report that APT1 was that cleaver, but you should not exclude
> that.
> When the Hop Point is a bit more sophisticated, the transport will not be real-time,
> it will be store and forward.  What that means is that the Hop Point will collect the
> data, wait for some period of time, such as an hour or a day, and then it will transfer
> the collected data and send it to the mother ship.  If the transfer is limited to a
> one-to-one transfer model, then completely aggregated argus data is needed to
> find the transfer of the same file.  This is easy.
>    racluster -r -w /tmp/
> This will consolidate all the status records for a given TCP connection, into
> a single record.  For 2 TCP connections that move the same file, the resulting
> two TCP argus records will have identical SrcAppByte or DstAppByte values,
> depending on whether the two TCP connections are push or pull.  So, take
> the output of the general aggregation, and look for completed TCP connections
>  that have equal sappbytes or dappbytes metrics.  These should represent
> transport of the same files.
> Not to ignore trends #1 and #2 from above....  Detection of RDP and SSH is really
> pretty trivial with argus data and argus client programs.  You can filter for the well
> known protocol port numbers, and you can inspect the user data captured in argus
> data to detect these protocols on other ports.  Because RDP puts a bit of a network
> demand to do its thing, its easy to find long lived high packet count sessions that
> span an enterprise border, even in the presence of encryption. The average rate
> and load needed to export displays, and to propagate mouse events is pretty
> unique, so finding these is pretty easy.
> RDP based connection attempts either from or to external nodes is trivial.
>    ra -R /your/entire/argus/archive - \
>          tcp and port 3389 and not src net ( .. the list of local network addresses...)
> This should pick up scans for open RDP server ports, both failed and successful,
> and transactions that are actually transferring data.   Variants of this filter may be
> needed to test all the possibilities, but hopefully you can see how trivial this is.
> OK, enough for a Saturday, please send comments / opinions / flames whatever
> to the list.  If you think we should write clients that automate some of this discovery,
> then do send your request to the list !!!!
> Hope all is most excellent,
> Carter
> On Mar 20, 2013, at 12:17 PM, Carter Bullard <carter at> wrote:
>> Gentle people,
>> The first general concept in the APT1 analysis that I find important, IMHO,
>> is the distinction between APT1 infrastructure nodes and terminal target
>> nodes, especially in terms of methods and access.
>> The style of infrastructure that Mandiant describes for APT1, is conventional,
>> and expected in large scale exploitations.  Even as early as 1992, when I was
>> one of the principal investigators at the CMU-CERT, this type of exploitation
>> architecture was very common, and expected.  Bad guys spend a lot of resources
>> establishing and maintaining a persistent 1 and possibly 2 hop virtual access
>> network, from which they can do the " get in, get it and get out".  
>> The attack infrastructure is designed to provide a level of anonymity,
>> attribution resistance, and protection from offensive retaliation, as well as
>> act as a sensor to provide direct awareness of incident response actions (is
>> there a reaction? are they on my trail ?) .
>> From a forensics perspective the complexity of the attack infrastructure is
>> a measure of the sophistication of the effort, with high utility, but low complexity
>> being the goals for optimality.
>> OK, Mandiant's APT1 report, describes a pretty interesting 2 layer attack
>> infrastructure, with the attackers directly accessing " hop points ", which are
>> then used to address and access potential attack targets.
>> A traditional Threat Assessment for APT1 should indicate that the defensive
>> posture should be focused on avoiding being a " hop point " in the APT1
>> infrastructure.  This conclusion would be based on a cost assessment:
>> 1) financial liability due to neglegence, 2) cost of culpability defense, 3) cost
>> of recovery, and 3) loss of reputation issues.  So, I'm interested in finding out
>> if any of my hosts / nodes / whatever are acting as APT1 Hop Points.
>> Based on Mandiant's experience, there are some common trends that
>> the APT1 report suggests for Hop Points.
>>    1) virtually all accesses to APT1 Hop Points are from a
>>         select set of IP addresses in China
>>    2) inital penetration and subsequent direct accesses to
>>         Hop Points use Remote Desktop Application
>>    3) many late stage accesses use SSH tunneling, with
>>         specific credentials.
>>    4) Hop points are used to move large volumes of data.
>> Each of these trends can be tested using argus data that has already
>> been collected, to give one some assurance that either you are or aren't
>> an APT1 Hop Point, and if you are, how long have you been had, so to
>> speak.  In this section, lets use the first trend to test if our argus sensors
>> have seen any potential APT1 hop point activity, by looking for the
>> specific set of IP addresses, or generally, any user plane payload
>> transfers to and/or from CN.
>> If you are using argus to establish a network activity audit, you can 
>> simply scan your argus archives to see if there are any accesses from
>> the IP blocks Mandiant provides in the report.  Testing for accesses
>> from a large set of divergent IP addresses is best done using the utility
>> rafilteraddr(), as the address tests needed for each record is pretty fast,
>> much faster than the command line filters would be.
>> This would be a minimum Best Common Practice, at least for argus users.
>>    % raaddrfilter -f apt1.ipv4.addr -R /root/of/your/entire/argus/archive
>> The sample configuration file, apt1.ipv4.addr is now available in the
>> argus-clients- distribution, as ./support/Config/apt1.ipv4.addr.
>> This file currently is comprised of:
>> #
>> #  APT1 Origin IPv4 Addresses
>> #
>> #  Net blocks corresponding to IP Addresses that APT1 
>> #  used to access their hop points.
>> #  
>> #  Derived from Mandiant's " APT1 Exposing One of
>> #  China's Cyber Espionage Units ".
>> #
>> 58.246.00-
>> Any bi-direcitonal hit would be suspect, but flows that are transferring
>> application data should really get our attention.
>> Scanning an entire archive can take some time.  For me to search 3 years
>> of argus data for the complete QoSient infrastructure, a few TeraBytes of
>> argus records, with a single set of address queries took 8+ hours.   But if
>> you are a sophisticated argus user, you should be running rasqlinsert(),
>> to maintain a real-time IP address inventory.   This has been described on
>> the web site, and the mailing list.
>> Searching this set of databases, using a single thread, takes me 18.0 seconds
>> to go through 2 years of argus data, using a command like this:
>>    rasql -t -2y+2y -M time 1d -r mysql://user@dbhost/db/ipAddrs_%Y_%m_%d \
>>         -w - - ip |  rafilteraddr -f apt1.ipv4.addrs
>> Remember, the daily IP address tables are created using:
>>    rasqlinsert -M time 1d -M rmon -m srcid saddr -S \ 
>>           -w mysql://user@dbhost/db/ipAddrs_%Y_%m_%d -M cache - ip
>> For QoSient, in the last 2 years, using these techniques, we've had 28
>> interactions with IP addresses from the APT1 IP address blocks (17.9
>> seconds to run that query), and only 1 of those transactions transferred
>> actual data.  We test for transferred bytes, using the "appbytes gt 0" filter:
>> thoth:~ carter$ time rasql -M time 1d -r mysql://root@localhost/ratop/etherHost_%Y_%m_%d -t -2y+2y -w - | \
>>     rafilteraddr -f /tmp/apt1* -s stime dur:12 smac saddr spkts dpkts sappbytes dappbytes \
>>       - src appbytes gt 0 and dst appbytes gt 0
>>                  StartTime          Dur             SrcMac            SrcAddr  SrcPkts  DstPkts    SAppBytes    DAppBytes 
>> 2012/12/27.11:41:39.405112     0.381737  80:71:1f:3c:c3:88        1        1          223           53 
>> real	0m18.006s
>> user	0m23.180s
>> sys	0m1.026s
>> So I have one interaction, in December 2012, that looks like something I need to look at.
>> Because all of my argus data is time indexed, looking up the complete set of primitive argus data
>> for this interaction doesn't take any time.  I take the starting time, add a few seconds, , in this case it takes 0.095 seconds:
>> time rasql -t 2012/12/27.11:41:39+5s -w - | ra - host
>>                  StartTime        Dur      Flgs  Proto            SrcAddr  Sport   Dir            DstAddr  Dport  SrcPkts  DstPkts     SrcBytes     DstBytes State 
>> 2012/12/27.11:41:39.405112   0.381737  e           udp    <->        1        1           95          265   CON
>> real	0m0.095s
>> user	0m0.055s
>> sys	0m0.014s
>> Hmmm, a DNS query from my interior DNS server, into the heart of evil itself?  Well, because it takes less than a second to do
>> the query, lets see what the DNS query was all about....  Using radump .....
>> time rasql -t 2012/12/27.11:41:39+5s -w - | radump -vv -s suser:64 duser:128 - host                                                               
>>   s[64]="50283  [1au] A? ar: . OPT UDPs"
>>  d[128]="50283- q: A? 0/5/6 ns: NS, NS ns2.cnc.ccg"
>> real	0m0.086s
>> user	0m0.055s
>> sys	0m0.015s
>> OK, well that could be an issue, so why would the DNS server ask for this address?  Lets back up our query a few seconds, to see if we can find the source of this exchange.  Lets grab any transactions that started 10 minutes before this, looking for the string " ccgslb ", to see what is up?
>> thoth:~ carter$ time rasql -t 2012/12/27.11:32:35+10m -e ccgslb -s stime dur srcid saddr dir daddr dport pkts bytes
>>                  StartTime        Dur              SrcId            SrcAddr   Dir            DstAddr  Dport  TotPkts   TotBytes 
>> 2012/12/27.11:41:38.707223   0.319857   <->        2        211
>> 2012/12/27.11:41:39.027925   0.098657   <->        2        843
>> 2012/12/27.11:41:39.127181   0.277315   <->        2        386
>> 2012/12/27.11:41:39.405112   0.381737   <->        2        360
>> 2012/12/27.11:41:39.668681   0.636537   <->        2        547
>> 2012/12/27.11:41:39.787594   0.516914   <->        2        520
>> real	0m0.090s
>> user	0m0.054s
>> sys	0m0.008s
>> OK, so my DNS server, which is a recursive DNS server, is looking for something, that eventually returns
>> what appears to be a Chinese address, so lets look at a these queries using radump():
>> thoth:~ carter$ time rasql -t 2012/12/27.11:41:35+30s -e ccgslb -s stime suser:64 duser:128 
>> 2012/12/27.11:41:38.707223 s[45]=2"                      
>> d[82]=2"
>> 2012/12/27.11:41:39.027925 s[52]=!                
>> d[128]=!
>> 2012/12/27.11:41:39.127181 s[52]               
>> d[128]
>> 2012/12/27.11:41:39.405112 s[53]              
>> d[128]
>> 2012/12/27.11:41:39.668681 s[34]=(
>> d[128]=(;.S.......x..q.a=.S.......x..z
>> 2012/12/27.11:41:39.787594 s[53]       
>> d[128]
>> real	0m0.087s
>> user	0m0.053s
>> sys	0m0.007s
>> It appears, that two machines at QoSient World Headquarters, got interested in " ", which is
>> a Chinese domain, and a Chinese DNS server returned that the best DNS server to resolve that address
>> is in an APT1 address block.  Because there wasn't any additional traffic, over a period of 2 years,
>> we have to conclude that its not an issue.
>> So QoSient, LLC, based on this simple set of argus queries, hasn't been an active part of the Mandiant
>> described APT1 attack infrastructure.   Total computational time to test this over the last 2 years,
>> less than 20 seconds.
>> But that simple set of queries doesn't provide a complete answer.  DNS can be used by a really clever
>> group as a command and control beacon, to advertise the availability of a node.  Was the DNS query
>> for " " that eventually sent a DNS query into an APT1 address block, really innocuous ?
>> In this case, yes, but I'll talk about how to come to that conclusion in more detail later.
>> Next we'll talk about items #2, 3 and 4, and how argus data can be used to look for
>> trends as behavioral markers.
>> Hope you find this useful,
>> Carter

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