new argus-clients-

Carter Bullard carter at
Tue Feb 5 13:02:11 EST 2013

Gentle people,
I've just uploaded argus-clients-  This provides fixes for memory leaks in radium,
when using labels, fixes a number of label issues related to country codes, and provides
better IPv6 support for reading netflow v9.  There are a lot more little nits, which have been
reported to the mailing list.

The outstanding issues that this does not cover are:
   1) rapolicy() mods for new Cisco ACL definitions
         The rapolicy(), in the current examples distribution, is in progress, and may not work
         at the current time.  Currently we are parsing all ACL definition types, but I'm now
         working to make them functional.

If there are other issues that I'm missing, holler !!!!!!!
Hope all is most excellent,


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