Memory Throttling and Big O Impact of "filter"

Carter Bullard carter at
Mon Feb 4 09:53:03 EST 2013

Hey dn1nj4,
Two things in your email, but the big ticket is that I think you may need to drop the " -M rmon " from your command.

Your question first:
The concept of the idle timer is to push inactive flows out of the cache, and it is the best way to cap memory.  
You are basically aggregating within a 10 minute (600s) sliding window.  It generally will provide the best data reduction,
but if there is a later record that should be merged into one of the inactive flows, then the aggregation doesn't really work.
There will be multiple records for a given key, thus incomplete aggregation.

Using mysql as a backing cache does do very well.  You run rasqlinsert() with your aggregation key,
and tell it to use a database as a cache, and when its done, you have a database table of your aggregated flows that you can use rasql() to read, create your file, and then your done.

   rasqlinsert -m saddr proto sport -M cache -w mysql://user@localhost/db/tempTable
   rasql -r mysql://user@localhost/db/tempTable -w argus.outfile

OK, with regard to your " -M rmon ".  This is a method for giving your relevant data that pertains to a single object.
So, just for clarity, with a single flow like this:

   tcp X.xport -> Y.yport

with your aggregation, the -M rmon option will generate these two records:

   tcp X xport yport
   tcp Y yport xport

and tally them.  I do this type of aggregation, but I always limit the keys to the Src side of the metrics.
What are you trying to track ?


On Feb 4, 2013, at 4:09 AM, Digital Ninja <dn1nj4 at> wrote:

> Good morning Carter,
> I am trying to use racluster (v3.0.6.2) to periodically consolidate about 1500 argus files (~6GB) with the following options: 
> -M rmon -m saddr proto sport dport -L0 -Z s 
> And this runs pretty well.  It takes about 20 minutes and consumes about 40% of my RAM before completing.  However, I can forsee in the future where I may need to double the amount of data consolidation that occurs and I was looking for some measures to try to limit the amount of memory argus will use.  
> I ran across an old post of a similar vein here:
> and tried to implement the following basic racluster.conf filter: 
> filter="" mode="saddr proto sport dport" status=0 idle=600
> When I run racluster with this configuration file, memory utilization was indeed capped.  It never reached over 3%.  However, the process also ran for over 8 hours and never completed (I had to kill it as that is not an acceptable solution).
> So my questions are: 
> 1. What is the best way to limit memory utilization by racluster?
> 2. What should the expected big O impact of adding filters be?
> 3. Why is adding the filter causing the jump from 20 minutes to > 8 hours?
> Thanks in advance,
> dn1nj4

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