Does Argus support RST state in UDP flow?

el draco eldraco at
Fri Aug 23 04:59:47 EDT 2013

Hi Rahimeh.
What do you mean with rest? do you mean reset?
UDP is stateless and transaction-oriented so there are no flag bits
like the reset bit in TCP.

When you send a UDP packet to close port, you will get an ICMP
port-unreacheable packet back.
In argus (unidirectional and bidirectional), that connection is seen
like this if you use ra:

ra -s +flgs -n -Z b -S localhost - "host x.x.x.x"

StartTime       Dur     Proto   SrcAddr Sport   Dir     DstAddr Dport
 State   sTos    dTos    TotPkts TotBytes        Flgs
2013/08/23 10:55:01.759273    0.000158      udp   y.y.y.y 1528  ->
x.x.x.x 234  INT  0 1 42 eU
2013/08/23 10:55:01.759431    2.053794   icmp x.x.x.x  0x0303  ->
y.y.y.y 0xea00  URP  192 3 210 e

The state for argus is INT or initial. See man ra
The icmp packet state is URP or Unreachable port.

However, argus gives you extra information if you print the 'flgs'
field. This field is 'eU' for the UDP flow, meaning :
e       -  Ethernet encapsulated flow
U      -  ICMP Unreachable event mapped to this flow

The problem is that if you have multiple connections like this I do no
t know how to find which UDP flow is related to which ICMP port.

Hope this helps.

On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 8:37 AM, Rahimeh Khodadadi
<rahimeh.khodadadi at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to know which udp flows are rest, but I couldn't see them in argus
> file,
> Is it possible to see RST udp flow in argus?
> Thanks,

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