Database design concerns

Paul Schmehl pschmehl_lists at
Fri Oct 26 15:03:30 EDT 2012

Thanks a lot, Carter.  You've made me realize that 1) I was trying to 
reinvent the wheel and 2) I have no understanding at all of the tools 
you've provided to parse argus records.

Now I have to go read for a few months.  :-)

--On October 26, 2012 6:53:23 AM -0400 Carter Bullard <carter at> 

> Hey Paul,
> Its all about your forensics data model.  You're putting all your data
> into a database without a model, and then using the DB to do a lot
> of work.  Great idea, but for some sites, 120M rows isn't a lot of data.
> When you get into the 1.2G rows a day, those queries get 1 or more
> additional 0's at the end of your response times.  Thats about 20K
> records / sec.   Just putting the primitive argus data into a mysql table
> gets to be tough to do.  Now, your column count has to go down to
> keep up, and the query taxonomy that the limited flow id's and metrics
> ( columns)  can support goes down.
> So we / I approach this by not putting the primitive records into the
> database.  By building multiple data models in parallel, and putting
> those in the database, we can get good performance on a good
> Cyber Forensics query taxonomy over Petabytes of data, over periods
> of years.  These are the targets I think are useful.
> So, YES, being able to find all the nodes that X is / has talked to is
> really valuable.  And, we have methods that can maintain a day based
> matrix table in realtime.  Its far less expensive that putting every
> record
> in the database.
>     rasqlinsert -S localhost -m srcid matrix -M cache \
>         -w mysql://user@localhost/db/matrix_%Y_%m_%d \
>         -s srcid stime ltime saddr daddr - ipv4
> For some, the matrix is expressed as a CIDR addresses:
>     -m srcid matrix/24
> The resulting table has all the X's <-> Y's, by day.  Now you may find
> that that granularity doesn't do well for you, but you can adjust that
> with
> the tools we provide, using a " -M hard time 1h " like option and adding
> the " stime " to the key, you get hourly granularity in daily tables.
> Adding
> other metrics can be useful, but we always put a full argus record in each
> row, so we get all the metrics that can be useful, without beating up the
> DB.
> The idea is that this table can be done in parallel with other data models
> that are also very useful.
> On the web site, we talk about also having an IP address inventory, that
> you can have going, concurrently, in real time:
>       rasqlinsert -S localhost -M rmon -m srcid smac saddr -M cache \
>         -w mysql://user@localhost/db/addrs_%Y_%m_%d \
>         -s srcid stime ltime smac saddr - ipv4
> Now this table provides you with ethernet / IP pairs, which will provide
> you
> with some topology information on where X came from.  This table has a
> bonus, it will tell you whether your IP came from a router / switch,
> or came from an end system, as you can find all the MAC addresses in your
> infrastructure, and how many IP's that MAC addr is supporting.   Helps you
> to find VM's, wireless access points, and spoofing sources.
> With all queries in these data models returning start and end times,
> you should be able to get to the original argus records ( primitive data
> ), that are
> being stored in time based files, very quickly.  But you should be able to
> query other data models, bounded in some relevant time based queries, or
> these
> same models in other sites, to do some really good forensics work, evenly
> interactively.
> So when you get an event that is interesting involving some odd ball X at
> time T, you
> generally want to know who X was talking to at time (T - Tc) - (T + Tc),
> where c is like
> 60-300 seconds, but the next question is almost always, when did I first
> see X, always
> going back at least 1 month, but a year is much better.  And then, its
> always valuable
> to know when did X first start talking to the specific Y's that are
> involved in the current
> event, and who were those Y's talking to.
> The whole point is to find the initial penetration event, and attempt to
> characterize
> the stepping stones ( Markov chain ), to tell you how bad it is.
> Generally, these types of cross table queries, when these tables are
> already built,
> are much faster than your response times.  The important fields are
> already indexed,
> because they are keys.   ( -m fields specify the DB keys ).
> So what kind of data models do you think may be useful ?  That would be an
> interesting conversation, I believe.
> Carter
> On Oct 26, 2012, at 12:48 AM, Paul Schmehl <pschmehl_lists at>
> wrote:
> --On October 26, 2012 12:21:58 AM -0400 Carter Bullard
> <carter at> wrote:
> Hey Paul,
> All the rasql* tools know how to cross day boundaries to find data, so it
> works well for ra*. But, that doesn't mean that there aren't better ways
> of doing things.
> No reason, ..., nobody has asked for column indexing with rasql*
> programs.  Probably because it does slow down record insertion.  You have
> decided to not insert the binary argus record into the database, so you
> don't need any of the rasql* tools to do your database operations.
> What kind of queries are you doing ?
> Typically the question we're trying to answer is something like this:
> Show me what saddr's connected to unique daddr on port num between one
> time and another.
> Specific example would be for Torpig.
> Which IPs connected to on port 53 between 8AM and 12 Noon
> yesterday.
> We might occasionally want to search for all connections for one host
> over several days.
> The problem we're trying to solve is that searches on the data using ra
> take a very long time.  We're archiving the logs in four hour increments,
> bzipped, and a search of one four hour period will take 20 minutes or so.
> A search through a whole day's logs (6) would take several hours.  A
> typical day is between 50 and 75 GB compressed - 90 to 120GB uncompressed.
> By putting the critical information into a database we can locate the
> connections more quickly, then use ra with the -t switch to hopefully
> find the data more quickly.
> A typical query would be something like this:
> SELECT * from table where saddr between x and y and daddr=z and stime
> between z and a.
> I just ran that query and it took 25 seconds.  Dropping the saddr range
> and just searching for all connections to that destination dropped the
> time to 1 second.  That same query on a four hour argus file would taken
> 20 minutes or so.
> Paul Schmehl, Senior Infosec Analyst
> As if it wasn't already obvious, my opinions
> are my own and not those of my employer.
> *******************************************
> "It is as useless to argue with those who have
> renounced the use of reason as to administer
> medication to the dead." Thomas Jefferson
> "There are some ideas so wrong that only a very
> intelligent person could believe in them." George Orwell

Paul Schmehl, Senior Infosec Analyst
As if it wasn't already obvious, my opinions
are my own and not those of my employer.
"It is as useless to argue with those who have
renounced the use of reason as to administer
medication to the dead." Thomas Jefferson
"There are some ideas so wrong that only a very
intelligent person could believe in them." George Orwell

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