-e option - Argus Version 3.0.4

Mark Bartlett mabartle at gmail.com
Mon Apr 2 14:59:18 EDT 2012

Hello all,

I am having issues with the '-e' option in ARGUS.

I run the following command:

argus -e 200 -w /tmp/testfile

and I get this in the ra output:,2012-04-02,14:52:15,2012-04-02,14:52:15,0.000000,,,6,22,53215,212,106,106,2,1,1,<?>,1,11,

As you can see the Argus Identifier is coming out as an IP address: not 100 which I would like.  I think something changed from
the older versions.

In my python script I run the following command and pass some
variables to the command:
arguscommand = "/usr/local/sbin/argus -e "+capID+" -F
"+SCRIPTS+"/argus.conf -r "+cleancapturefile+" -w "+argusoutfile+" -

Prior to updating to the 3.0.4 version the command above would save
the identifier to the record.

Anyone else seeing a change in the format??  Or am I doing something wrong?


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