Argus Filter Question

John Gerth gerth at
Tue May 17 17:46:04 EDT 2011

On 5/17/2011 2:39 PM, Leif Tishendorf wrote:
> Carter,
> I'm at a bit of a loss for filtering here.  I can't seem to get anything to stop logging no matter where I put it.  Currently I'm running rasplit like
> this:
> rasplit -M time 10m -w /var/log/argus/%Y/%m/%d/argus.%Y.%m%d.%H.%M.%S -S localhost:565 -d - not man or not encaps gre or not ip proto gre

 Look at your filter and think about the've basically set up mutually exclusive conditions and
 so everything will pass.  For example a  "man" flow is "not encaps gre" and so will be included.

 What you wanted I think was:

        'not (man or encaps gre or ip proto gre)'

 make sure to put in quotes to keep the shell from interpreting the ()'s.

John Gerth      gerth at  Gates 378   (650) 725-3273  fax 723-0033

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