Mac OS X Lion and argus

Carter Bullard CARTER at QOSIENT.COM
Fri Jul 22 12:19:00 EDT 2011

Gentle people,
Lion is out, and one my Snow Leopard argi started to misbehave, generating system log entries:

Jul 22 11:52:39 thoth argus[13290]: 22 Jul 11 11:52:39.237596 ArgusInterface timestamps wayyy out of order: now 1311349959 then 1311349958

The problem is/was that the libpcap library that my distribution was using needed to be recompiled.
Issues with the timestamp libpcap was passing on the stack.

If, you upgrade your Mac to Lion, and argus seems to stop working, recompile libpcap, if you were using your own copy, and reconfigure and remake argus.  All should be good.

Hope all is most excellent,

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