Graphing daily top talkers

Carter Bullard carter at
Wed Jan 26 17:39:14 EST 2011

Hey Fiorenzi,
Because all ra* programs output argus records you can graph any aggregation scheme you can come up with.

However, ragraph() because it uses rrdtool to do the graphing, may not do well with IP addresses vs rank, as it really wants to graph time-series data.

I recommend, gnuplot() or Picviz or Mathmatica or Excel or whatever. We have some gnuplot scripts(?) to share for histogram plotting that should be able to do something, if you are interested. They work from comma separated files, which s easy with the ra* programs.

If your interested, email the list. If you do something that works for you, please consider sharing.

Hope all is most excellent,

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

From: Fiorenzi Alessandro <alessandro.fiorenzi at>
Sender: at
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2011 14:32:22 +0100
To: argus-info at<argus-info at>
Subject: [ARGUS] Graphing daily top talkers

Hi all,
I have been looking to graphing the  daily top talkers but there is something I do not understand.
With simple racluster –M rmon –m saddr –r argus.out I get a text list of top talkers; I can I graph this?
I would like to observer 1 day of argus data and graph an histogram of daily  top talkers drawing a bar of fixed width and  with on X asses the IP addresses ;on Y positive  asses  bytes downloaded and on Y negative bytes transmitted.
I would like to repeat this  on daily, weekly, and monthly data to  have an historical view of top talkers to report to my manager
Is ragraph the right choice or is better something different ? someone perhaps have just do it.

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