Search filter, UDP, INT/CON

elof2 at elof2 at
Thu Apr 28 10:26:59 EDT 2011

On Thu, 28 Apr 2011, Jesper Skou Jensen wrote:
> I'm trying to do a search for UDP packages that are INT, alternative not INT, 
> but I can't quite figure out how to do this.
> Is it possible to do this with ra directly?

Hi Jesper!

I thought that a simple 'ra -r log.argus - udp and con' would do the 
trick, but apparently not. :-(

The manual only state this:
Ra  filter expressions support primitives that are specific to flow states 
and can be used to select flow records that were in these states at the 
time they were generated.  normal, wait, timeout, est or con

Apparently, flows are only associated with tcp.
There seem to be no primitives for matching connected UDP connections.

A question related to the above:
What is the difference between 'est' and 'con' ?
Both seem to match the same thing, established TCP connections.


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