Time filters

Rafael Barbosa rrbarbosa at gmail.com
Fri Jul 9 09:40:20 EDT 2010


I have been trying to use the ra option "-t" to filter my data for some
specific periods, and so far I have no luck. My ultimate goal is to identify
the start/end of some peaks in my graph, and then identify which peaks are
causing it. Two of the tests I tried:

1)Plot the graphs with ragraph:
ragraph pkts -M 5min -p0 -t 2009/01/22  -r file.argus -title "Total Load" -w

I get the following error:
sh: line 1: 33203 Segmentation fault
 /Users/barbosarr/workspace/argus-clients-3.0.2/bin/rabins -M hard zero -p6
-GL0 -s ltime pkts -M 5min -p0 -t 2009/01/22 -r filet.argus >
usage: /Users/barbosarr/workspace/argus-clients-3.0.2/bin/ragraph metric
(srcid | proto [daddr] | dport) [-title "title"] [ra-options]
/Users/barbosarr/workspace/argus-clients-3.0.2/bin/ragraph: unable to create
`/var/tmp/tmp.0.jYku3e.rrd': start time: unparsable time:

2)I also tried the same filter to read and write the argus file with ra:
ra -t 2009/01/22  -r file.argus -w file.argus2

No errors are reported, but no file.argus2 is create as well.

My data spans over a week from some time in 2009/01/19 at some time in
2009/01/26, as verified with ra:
ra -u -r plant-net.argus | head
1232372237.107636  e         tcp         X.X.X.X.ibp      <?>
X.X.X.X.boinc-       10       5240   CON

ra -u -r plant-net.argus | tail
1232997697.830083  e s       tcp      X.X.X.X.worldf    ->
X.X.X.X.iso-ts        1         74   REQ

1232372237 == Mon, 19 Jan 2009 13:37:17 GMT
1232997697 == Mon, 26 Jan 2009 19:21:37 GMT

Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong?

Rafael Barbosa
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