rabins bug if filter selects no data and no time frame is specified

Wolfgang Barth wob at swobspace.de
Sat Dec 4 10:45:33 EST 2010

Hi Carter,

I think there is a bug in rabins

1) plain ra:
ra -r argus-wobgate.log - tcp dst port 443
-> exits without output, since there is no such data in the argus logfile.

2) rabins without time and selected data:
rabins -M time 1m -r argus-wobgate.log  - tcp dst port 443
-> Segmentation fault

3) now with time specification:
rabins -M time 1m -r argus-wobgate.log  -t 2010/12/04 - tcp dst port 443
-> exits normally without output

Okay, in 2) rabins don't know what should be done, but a segfault looks
like a race condition.

<wob (at) swobspace de> * http://www.swobspace.de

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