radium stops passing traffic

Jason Carr jcarr at andrew.cmu.edu
Fri Sep 25 13:12:23 EDT 2009

Hi guys,

Here's what's going on right now.  We've got two argus processes  
running on our Bivio unit plus two radium processes.  One radium  
process runs on the Bivio to essentially multiplex and forward to the  
external radium process that runs on our long term storage machine.

What happens currently is that after a dynamic amount of time the  
radium running on Bivio stops passing the traffic to the external  
radium process.  Killing radium and restarting it fixes the problem  
immediately.  Running radium in debug mode (-D 999) yields a 6.5G  
output file, so I don't think I'll be sending that one along.

How much debugging needs to be on to get a good understanding of why  
this radium process would stop passing traffic?



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