argus direction field

CS Lee geek00l at
Mon Mar 16 09:05:30 EDT 2009

hi carter,

Regarding the direction field in argus flow record, I read the man page
about this -

               -  - transaction was NORMAL
               |  - transaction was RESET
               o  - transaction TIMED OUT.
               ?  - direction of transaction is unknown.

Okay, sometime we see the record in this

saddr <- daddr
saddr -> daddr
saddr <-> daddr

As argus reports current state of flow, does it mean

saddr <- daddr = destination address is sending data to source address
saddr -> daddr = source address is sending data to destination address
saddr <-> daddr = both end points has data exchanges for the moment

And for this -

saddr ?> daddr
saddr <? daddr
saddr <?> daddr

Does this means

saddr ?> daddr - guess the source address maybe the traffic originator
saddr <? daddr - guess the destination address maybe the traffic originator
saddr <?> daddr - not too sure either address is traffic originator

I know you have explained a little bit about it but I just need to make sure
I interpret this correctly though I can actually know the current state of
connection by looking at state field.


Best Regards,

CS Lee<geek00L[at]>
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