On the wiki: "When (on which date) did start this long-running argus file ?"

Stéphane Peters stephane.peters at forem.be
Mon Mar 17 18:56:55 EDT 2008


just added an example on the wiki:

2008-0317 When (on which date) did start this long-running argus file 
(by default, ra* clients use the "%T" format ie HH:MM:SS) ?
   cat /tmp/rarc
      RA_TIME_FORMAT="%D  %T"'
   ra -s "stime"  -F  /tmp/rarc.$$  -N 1 -L 0 -nr $file
      02/29/08  18:42:55

Haven't found a way to specify the date format on the command line, so 
the idea to use a temporary rarc file.


Stephane.Peters at forem.be, Postmaster at forem.be

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