Cheat sheet premiere

Stéphane Peters stephane.peters at
Fri Mar 7 14:24:13 EST 2008

Hi Stewart,

I also think that a cheat sheet would be nice !
Here is a good occasion to show mine...

Please note, most of the stuff has been collected right from this argus 
so hopefully, you shouldn't browse all the (numerous) past messages.

Any suggestions ?

flow filtering on certain port range:
   ra -r file - dst port \( gt 1024 and lt 2048 \)

use racluster() to generate the counts you are looking for:
    racluster -m proto -r file -s proto spkts dpkts sbytes dbytes

% racluster -m proto -r $file -s proto spkts dpkts sbytes dbytes
    udp    15567    12390      2912004      3240927
    tcp   900187   866302    410506598    722771403
   icmp      645      522       123240        61250

Packet Loss (with IP address):
    ragraph loss saddr daddr -M 10s -r argus.out - -title 'Packet Loss / 
IPs' -w ploss.png

Packet Loss (number of packets)
        ragraph loss spkts dpkts -M 10s -r argus.out - -title 'Packet 
Loss / Packets' -w ploss2.png

Jitter (number of packets)
        ragraph jitter saddr daddr -M 10s -r argus.out - -title 'Jitter' 
-w jitter.png

Concurrent transactions:
        ragraph trans -M 10s -r argus.out - -title 'Concurrent 
Transactions' -w transac.png2

Top talkers & Listeners
        racluster -m matrix -r argus.out -w - | rasort -m bytes -w - | 
ra -nu

Rastrip always removes argus management transactions, thus having the 
same effect
    as a 'not man' filter expression.

to remove the tcp network DSR:
    rastrip -m -net" (or something like it)  

to see if you get something useful:
    rastrip -m time flow metric"
Yes, you can pipe rastrip().  Try something like this:
   rastrip -S server -w - | rasplit [options] -r -

    racluster -r input -M net -m daddr/16 - "host or host"

    ra -r $file - -s saddr sport daddr dport
 >     SrcAddr        Sport      DstAddr        Dport

Split records into 5 minute files
    rasplit -M time 5m -S argus-north... -w 
one for every day
    rasplit -S radium -M 1d -w /path/argus-\$srcid.%Y.%m.%d.log

    rastream -S argus -B 15s -w 
/archive/\$srcid//%Y/%m/%d/ntam.%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S -f 

comma separated value
    %cat ra3.conf.t
    RA_TIME_FORMAT="%y-%m-%d %T"

    %ra3 -F ra3.conf.t -r icmp3.argus | more
    06-06-27 11:20:28.911941, v       
    06-06-27 11:20:28.911946, v       
    06-06-27 11:20:28.911951, v       

    racluster -m saddr/23 daddr proto dport -w - -r file - dst net \
        | rasort -m proto daddr dport dbytes - \
        -s ltime saddr sport daddr dport spkts dpkts sbytes dbytes \

To do a top talkers for say IP addresses
(racluster can do it for any object in the record, top mac addrs, top
tos bytes, top mpls label, top vlan, top port, top ttl, etc....):
    racluster -M rmon -m saddr -r input.file - ip

a list with 2 columns, IP-address and bytes used:
    racluster -M rmon -m saddr -r /var/log/argus/bridge0/argus.out  -w - 
- ip \
    |    rasort -m bytes -s saddr bytes |head -20

a list with 2 columns, IP-address and bytes used (carter version)r:
   racluster -M rmon -m proto sport -r input.file -w - - ip | \
   rasort -m bytes proto sport -s stime dur proto sport spkts dpkts 
sbytes dbytes

Already there. If you have vlan input traffic adding
    -s +svlan +dvlan
to your ra command will display the VLAN tag values and you can filter 
ra  (or other clients) traffic on vlan tags.

top src address based on src bytes in a collection of records
    racluster -m saddr  -w - -R 2006/09/28 - ip | rasort -m sbytes

top address, regardless of direction
(The "-M rmon" folds the src and dst addresses together,
putting the values into the saddr field.):
    racluster -M rmon -m saddr -w - -R 2006/09/28 - ip | rasort -m sbytes

What is the current best way to get a report like:
    ramon -nn -L0  -M svc -r filename - | head -25
    racluster -M rmon -m proto sport -r file -w - - tcp or udp | \
        ra -N  25 -s proto sport spkts dpkts sbytes dbytes

Looking for functionality like:  ramon -M TopN or -M Matrix 
   try this:
      racluster -r file -M rmon -m saddr  - ip  ( this generates  stats 
based on IP address)
      racluster -r file -m matrix - ip    (based on IP matrix)

   to do whatever TopN you want, pipe the output to rasort().
   So to get the Top10 in packets received and transmitted:
      racluster -r file -M rmon -m saddr -w - | rasort -m pkts -w -  | 
ra -N 10

   To get the Top5 in bytes per second transmitted:
       racluster -r file -M rmon -m saddr -w - | rasort -m srate -w  - | 
ra -N 5 -s +srate

I run the following collectors:

    /opt/argus/sbin/argus -X -d -A -i eth2 -P 561
    /opt/argus/sbin/radium -X -d -C -S 1006 -P 564
    /opt/argus/sbin/radium -X -d -C -S 1007 -P 565

I have another process that aggregates these:

    /opt/argus/sbin/radium -X -d -S localhost:561 -S localhost:564 -S \
    localhost:565 -P 569

Quelques exemples de ragraph: ( )
    ragraph bytes proto -M 60s -r strange-broadcast-10000.argus -fill 
-stack  \
        -w ./strange-broadcast-10000.png
    ragraph -r inputfiles* -t 12-13
    ragraph spkts dport -M 1h -n -n -r argus.dat.04 - src net X/20
    ragraph pkts dport -M 10s -T 60 -S -p0
    ragraph bytes saddr -M 1m -m saddr/24
    rabins -M soft zero -p6 -GL0 -s ltime bytes -nn -M 1m \
        -r files - srcid eligate1 and icmp |  head
    ragraph sbytes dbytes -M rmon time 1m -m smac -t 2007/10/04 \
        -r file -w ragraph.png -- ether host 00:15:F2:64:92:13

    ragraph pkts proto -M 1m -title 'eligate2: protocol distribution' \
        -height 200 -t 2007/10/04 -r /var/log/argus/argus.log \
        -w /var/www/argus/eligate2/proto/current.png - srcid eligate2 (???)
       rahisto -r datafile -H drate 140:100-170K

     bash> for i in 1s 2s 5s 10s 15s 20s 30s 45s 1m 2m 5m 10m 15m 20m 
30m 1h 2h; do echo $i ;\
           ragraph rate dport -M $i -r output.file -t 18-20 -m proto 
dport -upper 5000 -lower 7000 \
           -title "Aggregation Metric Distribution Analysis - Resolution 
$i" ;\
           mv ragraph.png aggregation.$i.png; done

    rasort -R ${stats_dir}/.../day -m bytes smac saddr -w - \
      | ra -N 20 -w top20.talkers.list
    ; ra -s addr -r top20.talkers.list > addrs.list
    ; rafilteraddr -f addrs.list -R ${stats_dir}/..../daily  > /tmp/data
    ; ragraph  spkts dpkts saddr -M 1m -w /tmp/ragraph.png

====> to insert data every 5 minutes, it can be as easy as:
   rastream -S -f -M time 5m -B 15s \
      -w /opt/ARGUS/OUTBOUND/%Y/%m/%d/argus.%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S

This would generate an argus archive broken out by year/month/day containing
files every 5 minutes, and 15 seconds after then end of each 5 minute clock
boundary, your script would be run against the file, indexing the data 
and then
compressing the file.  It could remove the file if you're not interested 
in keeping
the archive etc......

When the records are not well formed, you need the "-M rmon" option
to make the records direction-less.  Because of the direction-less nature
you can use "dport" or "sport" as the merge key, but you have to be 
as you will need to pipe the output to ra() to select the ports you're 
interested in:

   racluster -M rmon -r argus.file -m proto dport -w - | \
   ra -L 0 -s stime dur proto dport spkts dpkts sbytes dbytes - dst port 
80 or 443

This is what ramon() was doing, and I can recreate the program a shell 
script if
it makes is easier.

bandwidth usage flow by flow on 26th Feb from 19h to 20h,
unnecessary columns have been cut to keep every record on a single line
(still working on it)
    cd /archive/2008/02/26
    racluster -w - -M rmon -m saddr daddr -r argus.19.00.00.gz -w - - ip 
and dur gt 1 \
    |  rasort -m sload -w - \
    |  ra -N 15  -p 0 -s "-flgs -proto -dir -state +avgdur +sload +dload 


Stewart Gray a écrit :
> awesome, that's more like what I was after :) Thanks for your help
> again. 
> As I mentioned earlier, I reckon it'd be neat to have some sort of cheat
> sheet for doing common tasks. I bet there's lot's of stuff you know that
> others don't, having written the application yourself. I don't know what
> I don't know!


Stephane.Peters at, Postmaster at

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