Documentation of fields

Jochen Haemmerle mail at
Fri Jun 6 09:08:04 EDT 2008

Hi Carter,

> Any field in particular that caught your eye?

No, nothing in particular. I was just curious ;)

I did a little comparison of the possible fields mentioned in the manpage,
listed in the ra.print.all.conf and the one I got out of a "printall" XML
I attached the list at the end of the mail.

Still, is there some documentation maybe in the src-code (haven't checked
so far) that I could look for?

I'm currently working on a project doing statistical analysis with network
traffic, and I would be really happy to get as much information out of a
pcap file as possbile.


> Carter
> On Jun 5, 2008, at 12:17 PM, Jochen Haemmerle wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm new to argus and just started to play around with v3.0.0.. I
>> stumbled
>> over the "-s" option and the ra.print.all.conf. where the amount of
>> available fields really amazed me. Is there a description for the
>> available fields?. The "ra" manpage covered may fields, however some
>> were
>> missing.
>> Is there a readme file I missed or so? I'd be happy for every hint.
>> Regards
>> Jochen

## ra.printall ##       ########## ra - Manpage
########################################        ## XML ra.printall ##

ackdat 	                                               						TcpAckDat
appbytes 	        appbytes    total application bytes.					AppBytes
avgdur 	           	avgdur      average duration of aggregated
records..			AvgDuration
binnum 												BinNum
bins 												Bins
bytes 	           	bytes       total transaction bytes.					Bytes
daddr 	           	daddr       destination IP addr.					DstAddr
dappbytes 	        dappbytes   dst -> src application bytes.				DstAppBytes
dbytes 	           	dbytes      dst -> src transaction bytes.				DstBytes
dco 	           	dco         destination IP address country code.			DstCoCode
ddbytes 											DeltaDstBytes
ddpkts 												DeltaDstPkts
ddsb 	          	ddsb        destination diff serve byte value.				DstDSByte
ddur 												DstDuration
deldur 												DeltaDuration
delltime 											DeltaLastTime
delstime 											DeltaStartTime
denc 												DstEncaps
dhops 												DstHops
dintpkt 	    	dintpkt     destination interpacket arrival time			DstIntPkt
dintpktact 											DstActiveIntPkt
dintpktactmax 											DstActIntPktMax
dintpktactmin 											DstActIntPktMin
dintpktidl 											DstIdleIntPkt
dintpktmax 											DstIntPktMax
dintpktmin 											DstIntPktMin
dipid 	           	dipid       destination IP identifier.					DstIpId
dir 	           	dir         direction of transaction					Dir
djit 	           	djit        destination jitter.
dload 	           	dload       destination bits per second.				DstLoad
dloss 	           	dloss       destination pkts retransmitted or
dropped.			DstLoss
dltime 												DstLastTime
dmac 	           	dmac        destination MAC addr.					DstMacAddr
dmaxsz 	           	dmaxsz      maximum packet size for traffic
transmitted by the dst.	DstMaxPktSize
dminsz	           	dminsz      minimum packet size for traffic transmitted
by the dst.	dstMinPktSize
dmpls 	           	dmpls       destination MPLS identifier.
dpkts 	           	dpkts       dst -> src packet count.					DstPkts
dploss 	           	dploss      percent destination pkts retransmitted or
dropped.		DstPctLoss
dport 	           	dport       destination port number.					DstPort
drate 	           	drate       destination pkts per second.				DstRate
dsbytes 											DeltaSrcBytes
dspkts 												DeltaSrcPkts
dtcpb 	           	dtcpb       destination TCP base sequence number
dtos 	           	dtos        destination TOS byte value.					DstTos
dttl 	           	dttl        dst -> src TTL value.					DstTtl
dur 	           	dur         record total duration.					Duration
dvid        		destination VLAN identifier.
dvid 	           	dvlan       destination user date buffer.
dvlan 	           	dvlan       destination VLAN identifier.
dvpri 	           	dvpri       destination VLAN priority.
dwin 	           	dwin        destination TCP window advertisement.
	           	erng        end time for the filter timerange.
flgs 	           	flgs        TCP flags seen in transaction.				Flags
inode 	           	inode       ICMP intermediate node.					InodeAddr
	    		intpkt      interpacket arrival time
jit 	           	jit         jitter.
load 	           	load        bits per second.						Load
loss 	           	loss        pkts retransmitted or dropped.				Loss
ltime 	           	ltime       record last time.						LastTime
maxdur 	           	maxdur      maximum duration of aggregated
records.			MaxDuration
mindur 	           	mindur      minimum duration of aggregated
records.			MinDuration
	           	offset      record byte offset in file or stream.
pddbytes 											PctDeltaDstBytes
pddpkts 											PctDeltaDstPkts
pdsbytes 											PctDeltaSrcBytes
pdspkts 											PctDeltaSrcPkts
pkts 	           	pkts        total transaction packet count.				Pkts
ploss 	           	ploss       percent pkts retransmitted or
dropped			PctLoss
proto 	           	proto       transaction protocol.					Proto
rate 	           	rate        pkts per second.						Rate
saddr 	           	saddr       source IP addr.						SrcAddr
sappbytes 	   	sappbytes   src -> dst application bytes.				SrcAppBytes
sbytes 	           	sbytes      src -> dst transaction bytes.				SrcBytes
sco 	           	sco         source IP address country code.				SrcCoCode
sdsb 	           	sdsb        source diff serve byte value.				SrcDSByte
sdur 												SrcDuration
senc 												SrcEncaps
seq 	           	seq         argus sequence number.					SeqNumber
shops 												SrcHops
sintpkt 	      	sintpkt     source interpacket arrival time
sintpktact 											SrcActiveIntPkt
sintpktactmax 											SrcActIntPktMax
sintpktactmin 											SrcActIntPktMin
sintpktidl 											SrcIdleIntPkt
sintpktmax 											SrcIntPktMax
sintpktmin 											SrcIntPktMin
sipid 	        	sipid       source IP identifier.					SrcIpId
sjit 	           	sjit        source jitter.
sload 	    	        sload       source bits per second.					SrcLoad
sloss 	      		sloss       source pkts retransmitted or dropped.			SrcLoss
sltime 												SrcLastTime
smac 	           	smac        source MAC addr.						SrcMacAddr
smaxsz 	           	smaxsz      maximum packet size for traffic
transmitted by the src.	SrcMaxPktSize
sminsz 	           	sminsz      minimum packet size for traffic
transmitted by the src.	SrcMinPktSize
smpls 	           	smpls       source MPLS identifier.
spkts 	           	spkts       src -> dst packet count.					SrcPkts
sploss 	           	sploss      percent source pkts retransmitted or
dropped.		SrcPctLoss
sport 	           	sport       source port number.						SrcPort
srate 	           	srate       source pkts per second.					SrcRate
srcid	           	srcid       argus source identifier.
srng 	           	srng        start time for the filter
timerange.			StartRange
sstime 							SrcStartTime
state 	           	state       transaction state						State
stcpb 	           	stcpb       source TCP base sequence number
stddev 	           	stddev      standard deviation of aggregated duration
times.		StdDev
stime 	           	stime       record start time						StartTime
stos 	           	stos        source TOS byte value.					SrcTos
sttl 	           	sttl        src -> dst TTL value.					SrcTtl
suser:1500 	        suser       source user date buffer.					SrcUserData
svid 	   	        svid        source VLAN identifier.
svlan 	          	svlan       source VLAN identifier.
svpri 	           	svpri       source VLAN priority.
swin 	           	swin        source TCP window advertisement.
synack 												TcpSynAck
tcprtt 	           	tcprtt      TCP connection setup round-trip time.
trans 	           	trans       aggregation record count.

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