new code on the server, clients-rc.67 and argus

Carter Bullard carter at
Fri Jan 4 00:54:37 EST 2008

Gentle people,
I have made a large number of bug fixes, some of which are really
significant, in that they fix major instability bugs in argus and the  

I have a new argus-3.0.0.tar.gz and argus-clients-3.0.0.rc.67.tar.gz in:

I have fixed many of the issues on the mailing list as well, including:
    802.11 wlan support for argus
    fixed GRE parsing where failure to parse an encapsulation didn't  
revert to
       earlier encapsulation for formulating flow key
    racluster() exiting issues with custom rules
    fix for default printing fields without .rarc file to include sport
    printing the icmp id field in icmp flows
    fixed ratop() thread issues
    fixed reliable connection problems with ra* clients
    possible fix for racluster() core dumps

I have not fixed errors in printing country codes yet, still waiting for
test data.

Hope all is most excellent, and thanks for all the effort!!!!


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